Kirb your enthusiasm!


"Pink isn't a color. It's a lifestyle." - Chumbalaya
"...generalship should be informing list building." - Sir Biscuit
"I buy models with my excess money" - Valkyrie whilst a waitress leans over him

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Email in: BA Mech list advice

Hi Kirby,

I really enjoy reading your blog and am learning a lot from it!

I'm currently fleshing out my BA list. In the UK we run around 1750 points usually and am looking to create a full mech list that's as competetive as possible.

This is what I have so fAr at 1750

Librarian, Lance & Sheild. 100
Honour Guard, 2x Flamer, 2x Melta, Rhino 195
Librarian, Lance & Sheild. 100
Honour Guard, 2x Flamer, 2x Melta, Rhino 195
Assault Squad x5, Meltagun, Razorback: Las/TL-Plas 165
Assault Squad x5, Meltagun, Razorback: Las/TL-Plas 165
Assault Squad x10 Meltagun x2, Powerfist, Rhino 250
Baal Pred, HB Sponsons 145
Baal Pred, HB Sponsons 145
Pred, LC Sponsons 135
Vindicator, Siege Shield 155

Seems like a good all round list to me, I'm not sure whether I want two Libbys and HG? I wouldn't mind having a furioso in the mix either with frag cannon in a pod or Librarian version, I'd be dropping a Libby and HG for this and sqeezing in a flamestorm baal. Problem being then I only have one FC/FNP Bubble. Some AV 13 would be nice tho to tie up things like bloodcrushers etc.

I don't really know if the vindicator fits in this list or if the AC/LC Pred is needed. Willing to drop either of these as I haven't got the models yet.

All I know is i would like to keep the Lasplas razorbacks in the list and probably both baal preds if possible. At the Moment I am running this list but I don't like rage on DC at all:

Reclusiarch 130
Death Co, PF, 2xPW, Redeemer, EA,MM 440
Furioso, Frag Cannon, Meltagun, Drop Pod 160
Ass x5, PF, Melta, LasPlas Razor, Sangunary Priest, 240
Ass x5, PF, Melta, LasPlas Razor, Sangunary Priest, 240
Tac Squad x10 MM, Melta, PF, Rhino. 250
Baal Pred, HB Sponsons 145
Baal Pred, HB Sponsons 145

Anyway, Some help would be greatly appreciated, as you can probably see I'm a bit confused and maybe spoilt for choice as well!
Here is a picture of my death company:

Thanks in advance and keep up the good posting!


Hey Caz, glad you enjoy the blog and get something from it! First off your pic of DC didn't come through, could you re-send :(? I'll review your first list since that is what you are aiming for. The vindicator has to go, so you're right there. Problem with Vindicators in lists like this beyond the fact they have one gun and can be flanked is your army is meant to be in your opponent's face. Chucking S10 ord templates near your guys isn't a good idea... This gives you 155 points to play with and your Troops/HQ/FA are all pretty solid. You're also correct with AC/LC not really fitting, you want 3 really or 0 so we'll drop that, too. We've now got 290 pts to fiddle with. Let's take 2x TL AC Dreadnoughts for 240 pts. This offers some long-range support which isn't affected by your Mech wall as it can see over it and still allows your rhinos/rbacks to be screened by the AV13 Baals.

This also gives you 50pts spare to put on a Sang Priest, more meltaguns or infernous pistols. I might drop the flamers on the HG and put one more meltagun on each of them and lean towards an Sang Priest to put in one of the Rback squads. This gives you a bubble you can keep in the tank. You could also drop the HB sponsons from the Baals and this gives you some more points to play with (110) and maybe go for another Dread.

This gives you a solid core of 5 assault based tanks heading forward w/meltaguns being screened by Baals w/2x lance & shield backed up by Riflenoughts to suppress armor as you advance. It uses BA speed to get into your face rather than keeping you at arm's length (hence potentially dropping HB sponsons) but doesn't have a huge amount of men. You could mitigate this by dropping one of the HGs and getting another 10-man ASM & a priest w/spare points. Let us know which option you'd prefer and we can streamline it!
Make sure you send the DC pic in please :).

1 pinkments:

Chumbalaya said...

Yup, what Kirbs said. Rifleman Dreads give you ranged power while your HG and RAS can take care of business up close and personal.

Personally, a PF on each HG would be a great buy.

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