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"Pink isn't a color. It's a lifestyle." - Chumbalaya
"...generalship should be informing list building." - Sir Biscuit
"I buy models with my excess money" - Valkyrie whilst a waitress leans over him

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Email in: Hybrid-style BA

"Hey there,

I follow your blog a fair amount and have read a lot of the articles on Blood Angels. I've recently been wanting to start another army, preferably one that was CC based. It isn't meant to be the most min-maxed perfect, competitive-style list, but I would like it to compete. Basically my must-includes are: a stormraven, terminators, mephiston and jump troops. I went from an all-jumper sort of list to a more hybrid style because pure jump seemed to have too many weaknesses. I know many people believe hybrid style BA are inferior to pure jump or pure mech, I am not sure I agree. So far i've noticed that the jumpers provide a nice little wild-card to my list and help it become more flexible. I also really love jump packs. Anyway, these are two different lists i've been testing:

Mephiston 250
2 Sanguinary Priest Combi-melta 120
5 Assault Terminators 3 TH/SS, 2 Lightning Claws 215
5 Assault Marines Melta, Razorback w/ LasPlas 165
5 Assault Marines Melta, Razorback w/ LasPlas 165
10 Assault Marines 2 Meltaguns, 1 Powerfist 235
10 Assault Marines 2 Meltaguns, 1 Powerfist 235
Storm Raven Twin-linked Plasma Cannon, Twin-linked Multi-melta 200
Predator Autocannon, Lascannon 135
Predator Autocannon, Lascannon 135
Predator Autocannon, Lascannon 135

Mephiston 250
Honor Guard 2 Flamer, 2 Meltagun, Rhino 195
Sanguinary Priest 50
5 Assault Terminators 3 TH/SS, 2 Claws 215
5 Assault Marines Flamer, Razorback w/ Assault Cannon 160
5 Assault Marines Flamer, Razorback w/ Assault Cannon 160
10 Assault Marines 2 Meltaguns, 1 Powerfist 235
10 Assault Marines 2 Meltaguns, 1 Powerfist 235
Storm Raven Plasma Cannon, Multi-melta 200
Predator Autocannon, Heavy Bolter 100
Predator Autocannon, Heavy Bolter 100
Predator Autocannon, Heavy Bolter 100

Both are built around very similar cores. The first packs far more lascannon fire and is better at suppressing mech. My fear is that it may not be as aggressive as i'd like, there doesn't seem to be much of a point in running lascannons if I intend on being in your face. The second list packs more anti-infantry and also has more mech and bodies. If you think my lists are truly terrible, break them down. But i'd like to stick with the core I mentioned earlier. Can you help me out?


The major thing you need to make the list a bit more balanced is a 2nd Storm Raven. I'd go with the first list and then drop one of the ACLC Predators and tune down the LasPlas to Flamerbacks. You should then have enough for a 2nd Storm Raven which Mephy can ride in and you've got 'two' rocks. Any extra points I'd look to give Extra Armor/Hurricane Bolters to the Ravens or wargear to the Priests (i.e. Jump Pack, Terminator Armor, Lightning Claws, etc.).

It's not an ideal list but getting the 2nd Storm Raven keeps everything you want and gives you roughly two of everything so there is some redundancy built into the list.

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