Kirb your enthusiasm!


"Pink isn't a color. It's a lifestyle." - Chumbalaya
"...generalship should be informing list building." - Sir Biscuit
"I buy models with my excess money" - Valkyrie whilst a waitress leans over him

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Email in: Blood Angels 1750pts Tournament Style

"Aloha Folks from Kirby!!

Love to read up the blog you guys are running. Find some helpfull stuff on it :)
But I got a problem with my Blood Angels List.
I want to do a Compitive list but on the other hand I don't wanna spam stuff... I do fear the only way to go is spam in a 1750 Compitive Tournament list.

I tried this list:
Librarian with Shield and Lance of Sanguinus
2x Sanguinary Priest with 2x Power Sword,2x Jump Pack,
5x Sanguinary Guard with 2x Infernus Pistol,Power Fist,
5x Sanguinary Guard with 2x Infernus Pistol,Power Fist,
4x this unit:
1x Assault Squad with Meltagun,Power Fist
Reduced Razorback with TL Lascannon
Heavy Support:
2x Dreadnought with 2x TL Autocannon,Searchlight

But got tabled in turn 5... So I redid my list:

2x this unit:
Librarian with Shield and Lance of Sanguinus
1x Honour Guard with Blood Champion,3x Meltagun
4x this unit:
1x Assault Squad with Meltagun,Power Fist
Reduced Razorback with TL Lascannon
Heavy Support:
A standard Predator
2x Predator with TL Lasconnon

On the other hand I don't have anything that can do some close combat damage. So I don't know for sure If I want to squeeze something in there. Maybe terminators?

I kinda hope you can help me out? I want a good and solid list. I hope you can sent me in the right direction.


Your first list was fine, you don't really need to change much. There are a few things though! Razorbacks should be LasPlas - the extra gun and extra shots are well worth the loss of twin-linked at range, particularly whrn you can still move 6" and fire both weapons. Power Fists are also a no-no for the small ASM squads - too easy to pick out. If you want some extra combat punch, give them power weapons but with the Sanguinary Guard you should be okay on that front.

I'd also be slipping the Priests into your Razorbacks and without Jump Packs _ they are safer there and this can free up the points to give each of your ASM squads an infernous pistol, power weapon and dozer blades for the Razorbacks.

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