Right laddies! I'm not here this weekend thanks to the silly super awesome ATC in 5th edition rules. And this is the same weekend as the NOVA. Luckily there's no live streaming at the ATC so we don't have to feel neglected as everyone else pays attention to the first big 6th edition tournament! Here's the stream feed for the NOVA top table and we've also got one of the NOVA staffers signed up on 3++ to post round updates as they finish for the 40k GT (who's already done some of the Invitational stuff).
NOVA has gone in with a lot of hype this year being the first major 6th edition tournament so I look forward to seeing what has happened.
This means the blog won't be as pretty along this weekend but you should have up to date information about what's happening at NOVA. I'll try and put up ATC results as I can throughout the weekend but don't count on it - in Australia tournaments are for drinking =D.
Have a good weekend all and see you at the end!