I would DEARLY love to actually take a 5th Edition army to a 5th Edition tournament for the first time (excluding a Doubles event, but I don't count that as a real Tournament, because the game simply isn't designed to function that way, and it breaks so many silly little fundamentals...I'm digressing, this isn't a rant about them, and I don't want the parentheses to contain more actual text than the article proper...) - I may not get another chance to take a 5e army to a 5e event after all.
With that resolved, I have the issue now of my present Blood Angels army list, that I've been using for, oh, about a year or so now, being designed for 2000 point games. Adapting it is actually much more difficult than it sounds on paper, as the Blood Angels aren't quite as simple to create an army for as many would have you believe. In ways, they are actually the weakest of the modern SM forces, and obviously it's tempting to 'chicken out' and simply run Space Wolves painted a different colour...but Blood Angels were the first army I ever played with, and dammit they'll be the ones I use in May.
"Where's this post going though TKE?" I hear you cry!
Well, I don't, but I'm not going to admit I'm listening to Katy Perry...oops...damn. Well, it's like this. I was listening to Daft Punk on Youtube earlier, and one thing led to another....now I'm listening to the Perry. Hey, I'm a guy, she's a girl - it might happen. I think having a working knowledge of her back catalogue (not a euphemism) makes that more likely...or I just quite like pop music, alongside my more masculine tastes. *Shrug*
ANNNNYway - So, here's the 1850 I'm looking at considering taking. I should really point out that I've been proxying the BA list I've been using to fine tune for the entire time I've been using it (it started out waaaay differently, so that was an incredibly good call!) and so I'm in the process of building the 'actual' list at the same time...this makes me MUCH prefer to keep this list as close as possible to the 2k I hope to have done before 6e hits the shelves. (I paint slowly too...My compulsion to have every single model in the army be unique doesn't truly help.)
Shield of Sanguinius, Sanguine Sword, Infernus Pistol - 115
Shield of Sanguinius, Sanguine Sword, Infernus Pistol - 115
Sanguinary Priest:
Power Weapon - 65
Sanguinary Priest:
Power Weapon - 65
Assault Squad:
Meltagun, Razorback [Las/Plas, Dozer Blade] - 165
Assault Squad:
Meltagun, Razorback [Las/Plas, Dozer Blade] - 165
Assault Squad:
Meltagun, Razorback [Las/Plas, Dozer Blade] - 165
Assault Squad:
Meltagun, Razorback [Las/Plas, Dozer Blade] - 165
Assault Squad:
+ 5 men, 2 Meltaguns, Melta Bombs - 215
Land Speeder:
Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer - 70
Land Speeder:
Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer - 70
Land Speeder:
Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer - 70
Autocannon, Lascannon Sponsons - 135
Autocannon, Lascannon Sponsons - 135
Autocannon, Lascannon Sponsons - 135
Now obviously, we can see the ASM without Razor aren't exactly the most formidable with no Power Weapon or Fist...but is it worth the Dozers to get one? Since the list totals exactly 1850 as is, it's tricky. Infernus pistols could go I suppose, but there's something to be said for the ability to Infernus a Scarab base, then charge in with S10 Attacks and start owning the face of little bugs that thought they would actually pose a threat to the Scions of Sanguinius...
Suggestions? Thoughts? Comments? Criticism of the list or my taste in music?