"Hey Kirby,
Ok it doesn't really, but I really would like a response before Christmas so I can go out and buy all this stuff in one go. Which will be fun to build. Right, basically I've boiled it down to 4 lists pretty much as we discussed mech BA this morning. Thing is, this morning I somehow forgot upgrading my Heavyflamerbacks to Assbacks is 175pts. Not sure how I forgot it but hey. Right, let's have a look see. The lists are in a short format so this email isn't huge.
List A:
Libby w/Blood Lance + Shield of Sanguinius
Sanguinary Priest
5 Units of 5 ASM w/ Infernus + Melta, in Razorbacks w/Heavy Flamers + HKMs
3 Baals w/TLAC, Heavy Bolter Sponsons + HKMs
3 Dreadnoughts w/2 TLAC
List B:
Libby w/Blood Lance + Shield of Sanguinius
5 Units of 5 ASM w/ Infernus + Melta, in Razorbacks w/Heavy Flamers + HKMs
3 Baals w/TLAC, Heavy Bolter Sponsons + HKMs
3 Autolas Preds
5 Searchlights
List C:
Libby w/Blood Lance + Shield of Sanguinius
5 Units of 5 ASM w/ Infernus + Melta, in Razorbacks w/Asscans
3 Baals w/Flamestorms
3 Autolas Preds
List D:
Libby w/Blood Lance + Shield of Sanguinius
5 Units of 5 ASM w/ Infernus + Melta, in Razorbacks w/Asscans
3 Baals w/Flamestorms + HKMs
3 Dreads w/2 TLAC
One HKM on a razorback.
Ok, immediately looking at them I like List A the most. Followed by List D.
Not much to say, putting these up here to promote discussion and suchlike. So fire away.
I prefer these combos as I said last night: TLHF and Dreads or TLAC and ACLC Preds. I'd personally love to see how someone can do with the the Flamestorm based list (TLHF & Dreads) which your List A is pretty close to. I'm still not sure about the combo of only having Baals w/Flamestorm cannons as your only tanks moving forward in lists like C and D but I know you want templates so I'd really lean towards something like List A though I'm sure we can find a better use of those 50 points other than a Priest. You could also replace a Dread with a Dev squad + Razorback or shave a few HKMs and add in a Scout squad with ML and cloaks for a backfield objective sitter/infiltrating unit.
Anyway, so I normally don't do this but Archnomad wants it; so the field is open for discussion! What do people think is the best list and why? Or are some subtle changes necessary? One of the lists I really like for mech BA isn't up there which is List C with the Baals running TLAC instead of the Flamestorm; I'm again sceptical how just those tanks as aggressors would work and it detracts from the MEQ Eldar theme where BA can play at 24" with assault cannons and have long-range support from the ACLC Preds.
Anyway, the floor is open so let's get him a nice build which he can take to Centurion!