"Hello Kirby,
I recently started reading your website having got the urge (and disposable income!) to start collecting and playing 40k again after a break of many many years. I'm an ex- 2nd Edition player, and long ago most miniatures that were not sold have long since been lost in moves and boxes, and I'm making a fresh start on building and painting a new Space Marine force. I'm hoping you'll be able to give me some help with formulating a list to build towards.
I'm looking at 1500pts initially and have a few ideas gleaned from your website and others, but I'm a little wary as whilst they bear some similarities to other lists and things I've read about, they also include some potentially strange choices.
Can armies like these be competitive? I like the idea of potentially hot-dropping stuff on people, hence the drop pods, teleport homers, etc...
Librarian w/ null zone & gate of infinity (100pts)
10 Scouts, Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloaks, ML, Teleport Homer (195pts)
10 Scouts, Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloaks, ML, Teleport Homer (195pts)
10 Tactical Marines, ML, Meltagun, Drop-pod w/ beacon (220pts)
10 Tactical Marines, ML, Meltagun, Drop-pod w/ beacon (220pts)
5 Terminators, AutoCannon, 2x Chain-fists (240pts)
Dreadnought, LasCannon, AutoCannon (145pts)
Dreadnought, PlasCannon, Heavy Flamer, Extra armour, Drop-pod w/ beacon (185pts)
Librarian w/ null zone & gate of infinity (100pts)
5 Scouts, Sniper Rifles, Teleport Homer (90pts)
5 Scouts, Sniper Rifles, Teleport Homer (90pts)
10 Tactical Marines, MM, Flamer, Drop-pod w/ locator beacon (215pts)
10 Tactical Marines, MM, Flamer, Drop-pod w/ locator beacon (215pts)
10 Terminators, 2x AutoCannons (460pts)
Dreadnought, LasCannon, AutoCannon (145pts)
Dreadnought, PlasCannon, Heavy Flamer, Extra armour, Drop-pod w/ beacon (185pts)
So... I like them because they contain no special characters (not keen on the idea), they have no real vehicles (memories of 2nd Ed.?), and seem thematically pleasing. In my mind (ideally, lol) both lists are flexible, well rounded and can be competitive. However, since I haven't played anything other than the odd bit of Necromunda since the 90s I'm ready to admit I'm pretty clueless! I'm also ready to accept that I might need a vehicle or two, but special characters are something I'm pretty averse to.
Any help appreciated!
Welcome back to 40k! No special characters are pretty easy to do as they only unlock certain builds generally and other regular HQs often unlock just as many. However, there's a major issue with Drop Pods; you either go all in or none (i.e. one max). If you go for a half-way in between list, you'll have a small force on the table to begin with and then your army will come in piece-meal. Ask Daemons how that's working for them (badly!). Drop Pods are great for getting across the table quickly and early but you'll have problems against someone who reserves against you and hands you the first turn. It's a classic defense and it renders poorly built Podding lists useless. What you want to do then is be able to drop certain units into midfield if this is done against you which aren't at a disadvantage whilst having the option to drop in your face units when your opponent doesn't (or cannot) do this. This is called a Drop Dread list and looks something like this.
Here if your opponent doesn't reserve you can drop multiple Dreads in his face T1. This is very difficult to deal with even with a lot of meltaguns. If he reserves or really does have a ton of meltaguns but not so many anti-infantry guns, you can drop in more infantry units and not worry about your Dreads being out of position or all turned into slag heaps. This fits your theme of no special characters and no true vehicles with only Dreads and Pods which you've already included in your list (running just a couple of vehicles is a bad idea as well, even at 1500. You'd want at least 5+).
So does this concept appeal to you? We can include Terminators if you like but it is unlikely we'd be taking any Teleport Homers unless we had points spare. And are you going for fully competitive and set on the SM codex? BA can do this type of list as well with a bit more variety. Both variants are good lists though just curious!