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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Email in: army list

"Necron Plinkers 1250

+ Warscythe
+ Barge w/ Gauss

Royal Court
- 4 Harbingers of Destruction
+ Solar Pulse

Immortal Blob
- 5 Necron Immortals w/ Tesla

Immortal Blob
- 5 Necron Immortals w/ Tesla

Immortal Blob
- 5 Necron Immortals w/ Tesla

Immortal Blob
- 5 Necron Immortals w/ Tesla

+ Twinlinked Heavy Gauss Cannon

+ Twinlinked Heavy Gauss Cannon

Destroyer Annoyers
- 2 Necron Heavy Destroyers

Destroyer Annoyers
- 2 Necron Heavy destroyers

Now I know there are an awful lot of ways to sub in and out of this little framework, I was just wondering if this cute little idea I had would work! I worry even with the focus on saturating with and reinforcing valuable shooting, on relatively cheap sturdy and mobile frames, that the list just doesn't have enough punch or staying power. That it just isn't fielding enough really efficiently costed shots and that more than it will be able to handle will eventually make it to your wacky mobile lines. I've yet to play with it, but I day dreamed it up the other day when trying to figure out what sort of necron army I wanted to play at 1k after the 2nd wave.

Also, do you think that the 2xdestroyer teams will be a tasty target at lower levels? I get the feeling they will be harder to ignore. I suppose I could have singles distributed through the slots but what does one do with 60 points?


The main concern for me here is Troops - I'm assuming this is 1500 points but those Immortals can disappear pretty quickly. What I'd be looking to do is run some Scarabs as interference and add in some Annihlation Barges - they are a great buy. To do this though...I'd drop a Stalker and one of the Heavy D teams. This nets you enough for two extra Barges and either a medium-large Scarab squad or two smaller-medium squads which look to hide in terrain. You're not running 1+1 in your Troops so the increase in Kill Points isn't too big an issue but you need something you can put forward without losing significant firepower against more aggressive units.

You also increase your overall firepower with the extra two barges. The Destroyers can then stay in one squad if you run two Scarabs or split into two solos if you run one Scarab squad. Extra points can also fill out the Immortal squads if you like though more Scarabs is an option, too.

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