Dakka |
"Hey Kirby,
Another modified guard list, what do you think? Probably use this at cancon, my hydras have just arrived.
Not sure if its worth swapping 2x hydras for 1x Manticore, but hydras are probably more reliable.
Company command squad
- 3 melta
- chimera w hflamer
- 3 melta
- chimera w hflamer
- 3 melta
- chimera w hflamer
Platoon command
Squad x2
w/ 2 autocannons and 1 commissar
Psykers (6 + overseer)
- chimera w hbolter
Psykers (6 + overseer)
- chimera w hbolter
Hydra x2 w hbolter
Hydra x2 w hbolter
Manticore w hflamer"
Not sure if you're getting the maximum benefit out of the blob squad - is this 1750? You're forward element isn't that big with only five Chimeras. I'd be looking to put more pressure on the opponent with more forward elements. Dropping one of the Vendettas for multiple Hellhound variants gives you a couple more AV12 vehicles to push forward whilst adding Chimeras to the Infantry Platoon - particularly the Platoon Command,(even if they aren't in them) gives you more weight to this as well. To do this you'd likely need to drop two of the Hydras (leaving you with two squads of one).
This still gives you some decent fire support (2x Hydras, 2x Vendettas, Infantry Platoon & Manticore) whilst pushing 8+ vehicles at your opponent. You could add further fire support by using Heavy Weapon Teams insteade of the extra Chimeras as well.