Kirb your enthusiasm!


"Pink isn't a color. It's a lifestyle." - Chumbalaya
"...generalship should be informing list building." - Sir Biscuit
"I buy models with my excess money" - Valkyrie whilst a waitress leans over him

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Email in: Necrons @ 1850 - limited to available models

"Kirby & AbusePuppy,

I've recently taken the plunge with Necrons, after reading AbusePuppy's great Codex reviews over the last few weeks. I've started a small force, but would like to build it up to 1850 points for a local Tournament in July.

I'd really like to avoid any major conversions for this army, since I have several other armies that I've done that kind of work for and I just don't want to get into that this time. To that end, I'd like to limit it to models that are actually available from GW. No, that means no Night Scythes and no Wraiths. At least, not yet. :(

I have a very tentative list that I've been tinkering with, but I get stuck at 1726 points, and I'm kind of at a loss where to go with it. Here's what I have:


1 Overlord (Warscythe) 100
1 Overlord (Warscythe) 100
4 Crypteks (Destruction, 1 Solar Pulse) 160


5 Deathmarks 95


9 Necron Warriors 117
9 Necron Warriors 117
9 Necron Warriors 117
5 Necron Immortals 85

Fast Attack:

5 Canoptek Scarabs 75
5 Canoptek Scarabs 75

Heavy Support:

Annihilation Barge (Tesla Cannon) 90
Annihilation Barge (Tesla Cannon) 90

Dedicated Transports:

Ghost Ark 115
Ghost Ark 115
Ghost Ark 115
Catacomb Command Barge 80
Catacomb Command Barge 80

Total: 1726

Obviously, the Overlords go in the Command Barges. The Crypteks are broken out to join the squads of Warriors and the Immortals (which I would use mostly to walk on and take a backfield objective).

My instincts say to take more Warriors, but I'm tentative about not having a transport for them. I've also considered another Annihilation Barge, or a few lords with Resurrection Orbs to place with the Warriors (though I don't think I can squeeze 3 in).

Is 2 Command Barges too much at 1850? One seems like too juicy a target all alone...

Anyway, thanks for any help you can offer. I'm new to Necrons, so I'm not sure I'm making the best choices. I'm curious what AbusePuppy has to say, since he's been doing such a great job reviewing the codex, and Kirby always has great advice, too."

The most obvious answer what to do with your excess points is another Court - a 2nd Pulse and more Lances is never going to hurt. Going beyond this though, I'd replace one of the Warrior squads with an Immortal squad (or two) and flesh those out so they are a bit strong (6-7 strong) then get the second Court as well.

I'm also not a huge fan of Deathmarks, particularly just the one squad. Getting two squads or more would at least allow you to focus a lot of fire on one unit wounding on 2's but a single squad is pretty much token firepower. Beyond that you've got a solid core down though so not much tinkering is needed, just points shuffling. Two bargelords at 1850 is a bit tight but not unmanageable, 1750 and lower is where you really need to consider just running one instead.

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