"Hello Kirby,
I hope this e-mail finds you well. I am a long time reader, though this is my first list I am sending in for analysis. I am not quite into the feedback I was getting from 40k online, which was usually bollocks, so greener pastures where sought and found. Good times indeed.
The list I am running is a hybrid wolves list, fairly standard fare for the most part. In my lists I always try to include units I love, such as tactical marines, terminators or dreadnaughts. This is why I play wolves when I need to get my tactical (or grey hunter) fix. I'm not into MSU, so if any recommendations you have could avoid going in this direction it would be appreciated. I understand its virtues, I don't however like the way it limits your hand to hand options. (If however you feel that its the way to go then please, by all means go ahead)
Anyways, here is the list
Rune Priest - C.O.T.S, M.Bombs, Living Lightning, Tempest Wrath - 115pts (Not sure if I should ditch living lightning, but theres no other amazing options...)
8 x Grey Hunters - Banner, Wolfen, Melta Gun - 150pts
Rhino - 35pts
8 x Grey Hunters - Banner, Wolfen, Melta Gun - 150pts
Rhino - 35pts
5 x Grey Hunters - Flamer - 75pts
5 x Grey Hunters - Flamer - 75pts
10 x Wolf Guard - 2 Fists, 6 combis, thunder hammer, 2 x Cyclone termies - 365pts
Razorback - Las/Plas - 75pts
Long Fangs - 4 x ML - 115pts
Razorback - Las/Plas - 75pts
Long Fangs - 4 x ML - 115pts
Razorback - Las/Plas - 75pts
Long fangs - 4 x ML - 115pts
Lone Wolf - S.Shield, P.Fist - 75pts
Cyclones go into 5 man grey hunters for back field scoring. It could also be quite useful in a dawn of war deployment due to acute senses.
Fist + combi meltas go into 8 man grey hunters.
Then there's a 4 x combi + thunder hammer wolf guard unit. (I'm not sure if it should be 4 x melta or a 50/50 split with flamers...)
The lone wolf might seem odd, heres there for a bit of disruption, generally being a pain if he gets the chance.
So what are your thoughts?
List looks pretty solid - moving away from MSU for Wolves isn't a bad thing, just rememebr the extra combat power of larger Grey Hunters isn't always useful - quite often it's overkill and it doesn't let them smack around deathstarts. It does give you more scoring durability though. I'd look to run all combi-meltas on the Wolf Guard - you do lose some anti-infantry potential but with so many Grey Hunters + Wolf Guard, notneeded particularly at close range.
One thing I might do though is run Wolf Scouts in place of the Lone Wolf - that extra bit of disruption can really help sometimes and whilst Lone Wolfs are awesome fun and can be annoying as hell, the opponent still has achance to drop them before they do anything whilst a Wolf Scout unit will often fiddle with the way an opponent approaches the game.