Kirb your enthusiasm!


"Pink isn't a color. It's a lifestyle." - Chumbalaya
"...generalship should be informing list building." - Sir Biscuit
"I buy models with my excess money" - Valkyrie whilst a waitress leans over him

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

3++ Con - Player's Pack v1.2 & FAQ v1.0

It's just under two weeks until 3++con so here's the updated Player's Pack and the FAQ (which is a bit late I'm sorry!). The Player's Pack is basically the same, just fixed some type-o's which were noticed as well as the wording in regards to the Kill Points victory condition to ensure it's clear.

If there are further questions not covered in the FAQ, please ask and I can include them and if there are questions pertaining to the FAQ, please do the same. The goal here is to minimise arguments and rules questions on the day of the tournament whilst following the rules as written by Games Workshop. However, and I stress this, in a very few cases the FAQ takes into consideration how many of us think the rules are intended to play (i.e. emergency disembarkation) i.e. Rules as Intended rather than Rules as Written. You still will need the 5th edition rulebook, FAQ, your army's codex and their respective FAQ as well.

Email in: Sternguard for squishing bugs?


"Hi Kirby,

like most e-mailers, I'll start by saying that I'm a long time listener, but first time caller and really enjoy the blog articles.

I've been collecting 40k a while, but only playing occasionally for a year or so as Orks. As I've now painted 2k of Greenskins I'm moving on to painting some smurfs (I've played a couple of test games), hence the e-mail.

BA Stormravens: Why and How

The Stormraven, introduced in the Blood Angels codex and later included in Grey Knights as well, is one of the more unique additions to the armor; it is different enough from most of the other units in the book (and available at large, or at least it was until the Caestus was made) to function very differently, which tends to give people problems when trying to use it. It is both specialized and expensive, meaning that it can't easily be slotted into armies as a one-off or mixed in with other strategies easily; to use it, it requires a fairly dedicated force and special consideration must be given to all aspects of the army.

In this post I'm going to try and talk specifically about the Blood Angels version (which, despite appearances, is VERY different from the Grey Knights one) and what uses it can be put to and how it functions in an army as well as trying to cover some of the common mistakes when it is misused.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Eldar Codex Review - Part 6: Wave Serpents

Miniature Painting

Wave Serpents, like any transport, are the backbone of most mech based armies and Eldar are no different. Wave Serpents offer a combination not seen in another army - good AV, good defenses, tank and fast skimmer. And it's a transport. Few other armies have such vehicles let alone such transports and this is where Eldar can build a lot of their strength from.

Ad Mech Themed Blood Angels

MBG back with a my special 100th Armies on Parade article post! Hurrrah!

For this special occasion I'm featuring the current incarnation of my Iron Angels (Iron Hands, Adeptus Mechanicus Themed Blood Angels).

Normally when you click on the Armies on Parade label you'll be able to scroll through some great looking armies, all at once.

It's like you were at a major event yourself, all from the comfort of your home or smart phone!

Guest Article:The Juggernaut dilemma - why we love it but rarely field it

The following was written by a friend of mine and fellow Khador player: Chain_Gun for the Khador section of the PP forums. I find it is very true for Khador but also speaks towards the use of Warjacks in general. Thanks Chain_Gun for writing this up for us and I hope to hear more from you!

While most Khador players agree that the Juggernaut is a great warjack for its points, looking at most lists we see people tend to choose other warjacks for actual play. I feel that even though these cheapies give good, or even great value, when lists are compiled, it is Beast-09, the Kodiak, Torch or the Behemoth who usually see play. In this writeup I will try to explain why. While I use the Juggernaut as an example, I would like to expend the discussion to the other cheap warjacks as well, the Marauder and the Berserker.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Email in: 40k team tournament


"Hello Kirby,

long time reader of your blog, wondering if you have some suggestions for an upcoming Team tournament I'll be participating in.

Format is, 2 players pair up, each gets 1000 points and full FoC for each. I'm going with my Tyranids and my partner will be bringing his Blood Angel list, which is roughly like the one below:

Email in: necron fun list

"I really want to try for a fun Necron list. My FLGS is occupied by fluff bunnies and I need something besides night fight scythe spam. Tell me what you think of it. There is very little mech in my area. Tell me what you think.

Orikan the diviner

Overlord with command barge war scythe, mind shackle, phase shifter

Army Showcase: Hammer of The Forge

MBG here with a sweet custom Space Marine chapter for you to check out.

Yepimadork came up with this themed escalation army back in the dawn of 5th Edition.  He named his chapter the Hammer of the Forge, and they rock.

Besides converting the dreads to be the un-released at the time Ironclads, he also painted up the army in a non conventional scheme and based it as if on Martian soil.

Back then you could still find some of the old colored primer cans from GW, so he used a spray can of Camo Green, and highlighted it with a mix of Camo and Ivory (from Vallejo Model color).  Then he used Gore Red on the guns, and accented the figures with Beige on the shoulders and brass for the trim.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Discussion Email: Teaching Help

"High Kirby, I have beeen reading your blog for over a year now, but have yet to ask you anything directly, until now. I'm an avid space wolves player (well I have my own fluff, but use that list) but thisisn't what I'm asking for help with, my girlfreind and one or two ofher freinds have recently started collecting 40k, and I have beentasked with teaching rules and tactics, and generally putting themthrough their paces, so theyu can deide for themselves which unitswork well and they should spend their money on more of.

Red Hot Liquid Magma Dark Eldars

MBG here with another Armies on Parade article

This where I display (in hopefully good detail) some great looking armies from major tournaments all across the United States.

If you click on the Armies on Parade label you'll be able to scroll through some great looking armies, all at once.

It's like you were at a major event yourself, all from the comfort of your home or smart phone!

Today we take a look at an amazing painted Dark Eldar Army with Super Heavy Tantalus support ,by the talented TAbyrd. This army was on display at the recent Rogue Trader Tournament at Giga-Bites Cafe in Atlanta, GA.

Email in: Tyranids for Comp, With an Aside on Gargoyles


I was hoping to get some insight from you regarding a Tyranid list I’ve been developing for an upcoming tournament (comped 1750):

The general concept is that the two Genie squads infiltrate for a second turn charge, preferably with FNP and cover saves. The rest of the army follows up behind as a blob, termagants shield units, Hive Guard nail vehicles, Zoanthropes keep everything together. One or both of the Tervigons stay back and breed objective holders, and/or stay forward and provide FNP to the rest of the army. The Trygon Prime is there for some mid-game punch when the Genies are flagging (and to provide another threat), although I’m toying with the idea of replacing the Trygon with a Tyrranofex.

Can you please let me know what you think of this army and make any suggestions on play-style/alternative units etc. I suspect I’ll score low for comp, but hey. J 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Eldar Codex Review - Part 5: Warlocks


Warlocks are the baby psykers of Eldar and can only be accessed when a Farseer is taken (much like Command Squads for Space Marines) or as Sergeant upgrades for certain units (Guardian based). Their statline is decent enough with good WS/BS/Leadership but poor toughness and strength - very Eldar like and they can also bring along a psychic power.

Update on 6th edition 'leak'

From Dakka - This comes courtesy of Beasts of War:

"The 40K Heretics Rulebook is Real… Only it’s Not!

Yes… you heard that correctly. After a lot of digging and snooping around the inside of the great citadel (or should that be Citadel) that is Games Workshop, we have some very interesting news about the so-called Heretics 40K Rulebook… or the 6th Edition Leak for those with little flair for the dramatic!

Genius Factory Game Counters

The guys over at Genius Factory Games sent me some of their newest products so we could all have a look at them - Necron counters. Two things - this was very nice of them to send me some free samples and...they are pretty awesome.

Before we get to see the sets, let's look at what is being offered.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Eldar Codex Review - Part 4: Autarchs & Yriel


Autarchs - the wimpy Space Marine Captain. In essence that's what the Autarch is - you get the pretty good statline (though reduced to strength and toughness three) with a lot of upgrade options to tool the Autarch out for combat and even a few ranged options (which with BS6 is nice). However, the major and important difference between Autarchs and Space Marine Captains (or any other generic HQ) is they bring an army ability to the table - Strategic Force. This is why you don't see plain old Captains running around as HQs - they don't provide anything. Bike Captains do and you see them - regular Captains not so much.

Email in: Necron list review

40k Hobby Blog

"Hi all I haven't been on in an month or so do to some much needed time off with no internet. But i got some games with my Necrons and hear is my new list for you all to look over.

Imotekh the Stormlord
Royal Court:
Harbinger of Destruction; Eldritch Lance; Gaze of Flame; Solar Pulse
2 Harbinger of Transmogrification: Tremor stave

Infinity: A Look at the Miniatures

Infinity is a great game, filled with tense moments, difficult decisions and lots of surprises. Kind of like assembling their miniatures. Haha!

Seriously though, no matter what game you play, it's about the figs am I right? We all love seeing painted models, all the new sculpts that come out and whether you paint them or not, you love seeing them kick ass on the tabletop. 

So a couple points about Infinity models.
  • They are incredibly detailed and dynamically posed.
  • Man, are they fun to paint. 
  • They are few single piece models - most infinity models require assembly AND have lots of  little fiddly bits. 
  • They are all white metal. So you'd better learn how to clean and prep a metal figure. 
  • On the plus side, there are new releases every month!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Blood Angels - More shooty than choppy?

The other night I was chatting with a reader when they made the seemingly absurd claim that Blood Angels are a poor codex in comparison to the others released during 5th edition (obviously excluding Tyranids and Sisters of Battle). This had me dumbfounded for a second as Blood Angels, whilst certainly not complained about to the extent of Grey Knights, Imperial Guard or Space Wolves, are one of the better armies out there. I mean come on, FNP/FC Marines and Fast Rhinos/Razorbacks plus nearly everything else your standard Marine army has access to? Sounds pretty damn good though you obviously pay for it.

Email in: Vanilla Gunline Marines

Felix Gaming

"Hello again! Your blog is still awesome, can't get enough. Keep up the good work!

So a friend and I were bouncing around ideas for 1850 lists and I decided to see just how much firepower you can pack in a list. Originally this started out because of a Blood Angels list but quickly became vanilla marines because of a thread on DakkaDakka. The more I think about this list, the more annoying it seems it would be to play against it.

Before I arrange a variety of proxy matches I thought I'd bounce it off of you. I imagine you will say lack of mobility is a problem, but I think there is enough firepower in the list to even the playing field pretty much immediately. Let me know what you think!

Armies in 8th: Dark Elves Part Four: Lords and Heroes


Hello, Nikephoros here for the final installment of the Dark Elves in 8th review.  This section will cover the Lords and Heroes for the DE, who have some pretty great options and builds.  Few army books have characters who are worth their points, so it’s definitely nice that the Dark Elf characters can pull their weight.   As always, I skip over the named characters because I don’t find them interesting and they are usually non-competitive.  There are occasionally some exceptions though, so be prepared…

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The 6E "Leak": It's Fake, It's Bad, and It's Dumb

Alright, I was kinda hoping this whole mound of bullshit would maybe blow over and get forgotten but clearly that isn't happening so it seems we need to go through and perhaps tear it apart, piece by piece, to explain why it is not only even more of a tremendously stupid hoax than my own "Tau rumor," but less believable and worse for the game.

Yes, that's right, if, in some imaginary world, this document were somehow real, these changes would not only fail to solve the problems that exist in the game right now but they would utterly cripple it for anyone who wants to play anything resembling a fun and interesting contest of skill. And, guess what, that's something almost everyone- casual, competitive, hobby, what have you- wants from the game. It's no fun to be steamrolled or to steamroll your opponent. It's no fun to only have certain, narrow armies be even reasonably capable of winning. It's no fun to have whole codices invalidated right out of the book. These are all things that this supposed leak of the rules encourages; it is straight-up poor design.

Painted Dreadnoughts

So I've been busy painting lately in an effort to get all my Marines done you some point. I'd obviously like them to be done before 3++con so they look pretty as a gumby army or if they are borrowed by a mate plus if I do end up going to Centurion, it will be a load off my mind. With that in mind, I've been hard at work on the units used throughout most of my armies - the Dreadnoughts and Rhino chassis with two of each completed. You can see the Dreadnoughts below with one more nearly finished and not pictured. The Rhino chassis will be photographed once they are all done and I can hopefully source some more Razorback turrets to replace my scratch built ones...

Is there really an InfantryMachine?

Now something your gonna here quiet often is that Warmachine/Hordes should really be called Infantrymachine because of how you are gonna take infantry over Warjacks/Warbeasts. Now I will admit that this statement was extremely true in MK I but in MK II this statement is actually far from the truth. Now I admit that there are a few factions that want to take mostly infantry due to the general power level of their infantry but besides those few factions? Let's take a look and see what factions want to play the so called "InfantryMachine".

First Place: Khador/Cryx

Monday, January 23, 2012

Eldar Codex Review - Part 3: Eldrad Ulthran (not Eldard)


Eldrad Ulthran is your typical special character for an army's psyker - you get access to all the psyhic powers available with something a little extra. Eldrad's statline also gets a nice buff with base T4 which has minimal relevance in the current edition (4th edition Perils of the Warp was S6 which therefore caused instant death) though does increase the threshold of instant death and improve durability in combat. Otherwise the statline is the exact same as your bog-standard Farseer and despite WS/I5 and having a power weapon which wounds on 2+, Eldrad like Farseers should be avoiding combat.

Vassal Ladder: Season 3

From SageoftheTimes:

Alright, so Kirby's been bugging me about how I should you know, annouce the ladder's started, because it has.

So come on down, and see what we have here. Current things to do: make maps not suck (gonna change 2 of them around to be more 'different' so people can have the breadth of cover they desire), make submitting & checking lists easy (through use of some open source list program and some database programing), and generally trying to get the word out for it. One out of three isn't bad, I suppose.

Season 1 was pretty successful in relation to number of participants and games though Season 2 was a bit quieter - let's see if we can't get some more interest running this time round!

Making pNemo Work

Greetings ladies and gentlmen, it's Whitestar333 again with some more list-building ideas on how to make the more-maligned warcasters/warlocks work for you.  While I already posted an article on pNemo on my own blog, I will be adding a little bit more exposition here as well as an alternative list to consider.  I'm certainly in the camp that believes that pNemo is one of the worst warcasters that Cygnar has (although that's more of a testament to how great most of them are), but I believe that like with any warcaster, once you figure out how to maximize on the strengths and minimize the weaknesses, any warcaster can be good, and at the very least, fun!  I came up with some thoughts on pNemo a few months ago and so I reflected back on those ideas and tweaked them a bit to come up with a couple new lists for pNemo.  Part of the trouble with this guy is that there are so many routes to go, but I figured that here I would provide a starting point for those who might be thinking of playing him, and you can go from there.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Email in: SOB 2K army list?


"Need advice on army list.

Uriah Jacobus
(8) Battle Conclave 4x Crusaders; 4 x Death Cult Ass.;
Rhino search light dozer blade

Confessor Eviscerator
(7) Battle Conclave 3x Crusaders; 4 x Death Cult Ass.

Email in: 2000 Grey Knights Interceptors

"Sup Kirby!? Goober here; wanted to get your take on a Interceptors list I'm thinking about trying. I took a look
at the GM/Purifiers list you had up a little while ago and wanted to try it out with Interceptors, so here goes...

Email in: IG "core" list


"Hi Kirby thanks again for your blog and this is about the 3ed time o
have emailed you and you have always given me a good reply. I'm
starting IG and trying to build a Core force with which i can add
diferent options to taste and so far i have this

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Email in: space marine 2000 point list



I'm going for a TAC list here, with a little bit of everything. The list is different from most lists, specifically because there are no termies or LR and I'd like to keep it that way.

Email in: Flexible Space Wolves @ 2k

"Hello Kirby,

Below is my first take on a serious list-building, focusing on the flexibility of the Space Wolves codex to leave the opponent wondering wtf I'm going to do until just before the fighting begins, hence the kited-out Wolf Guard and 2 Drop Pods. Everything else should be self-explanatory :P Still, I bet it can be made better.

Email in: Problems with 5th edition

This isn't going to really be a reply from myself but more of a reader's comments on 5th edition in response to our posts the past couple of weeks looking at the ups and downs of 5th edition and potential changes we want to see - not to mention the questionable 6th edition rumor packet.

"Hi Kirby,

Somewhat coincidentally, wrote this last week, and after seeing the discussion on 3++, I thought it'd be nice to share :)


Friday, January 20, 2012

Eldar Codex Review - Part 2: Farseers


Farseers are quintessential Eldar – they are one of the most well recognised units in relation to the Eldar army and for good reason. Whilst the most recent codex added another HQ to steal the limelight, your basic Farseer is still excellent value. We’ve already reviewed the Psychic Powers available to the Farseers and nothing has really changed. Doom is easily the best power since multiple units can benefit from it but both Guide and Fortune have excellent value by allowing re-rolls to shooting or armor saves. The problem here is they are only allowed to use each of these powers once. They certainly have uses but if you’re going for a simple and cheap HQ, a Doomseer is your budget option. Eldritch Storm and Mind War, whilst not seeing much use, are also decent options.

Email in: 1500 pts WWP

"Long time lurker on your blog. I've found some pretty good nuggets of info on the varies list and unit reviews. But in the end I desperetly need some help against my usual opponent, Grey Knights. I have tried numerous things, venom spam, MSU warriors in raiders, reaver jetbikes, bloodbrides, grotesques, even a razorwing fighter, but the best I have ever managed has been draws. My transports and dedicated anti-tank just falls way to fast to the psyflemens, and the raiders/venoms are more dangerous to the troops inside than to my opponent. I recently however faced them down with a WWP list that immediatly placed him on the defensive, and forcing him react to me instead of running with his own plans. As such I think I might have found a way to beat him, but all the WWP lists I have created I have had a nagging feeling like I am missing something. I want a list that can stand up to the GK, but at the same time be fairly balanced against most other armies. So here is what I've come up with.

Guest Article: Infinity Introduction II

Old Shatter Hands has kindly decided to do some posts for us about Infinity! Enjoy :).

Hit the deck! Infinity is coming at you with increasing speed. You can't deny that in the last 8 months Infinity has found its niche on the world stage of table-top war-gamingGne. Thanks to Beasts of War's videos, awesome figures and colorful paint-jobs, the game in enjoying a time of growth and expansion. I picked up the game because of the miniatures. I wanted a game system that wasn't overwhelming in its scope when you sit down to paint. However, what hooked me was the game's ruleset. It's so detailed and offers a wealth of options for the player.  

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Imperial Guard AV12 - Unbeatable Fallacy

A testament to Sandy who promised me a picture
based article on moving Chimeras into midfield!

This post is sort of a practical compilation of some of the other Fallacy 40k posts we've done where the concepts discussed will be applied in relation to the topic at hand - the AV12 wall of Imperial Guard.

Imperial Guard are an excellent army, there's no denying it. However, a lot of the armies we see aren't often maximising the complete package Imperial Guard has to offer. For example, we commonly see spammed melta-vets who rush forward with no support or static firepower lists that simply shoot such as Leafblower. Often a bunch of good units but poor strategy and list composition brings forth a bunch of weaknesses. However, we still hear heavy complaints about these lists due to one factor - the AV12 wall.

Email in: 1850 Deldar/Vanilla Marine List Advice



Long time reader and fan, keep up the good work. :)

So my brother and I will be attending the Bugeater GT in June, but I'm trying to get a finalized list together so I can decide which army I will be taking (and paint it). The points value is set at 1850, and the missions will be NOVA style, with a strict win/loss format to determine Champion, as well as a Sweepstakes Champion which will include the usual sportsmanship / painting etc. I am trying to decide between bringing my Space Marines and bringing my Deldar, so I figured I would get your advice on my lists.

Armies in 8th: Dark Elves Part Three: The Cavalry


Despite the title, not every unit in this review will be cavalry.  I only titled it as such because the previous article was titled ‘The Infantry’ and this is everything else.  Titling it ‘The Not-Infantry’ might have been somewhat trite.  One of the things that make the Dark Elves unique is the oddball units that are scattered through the armybook.  It gives them a non-traditional aesthetic that is quite appealing.  Even better, many of the units are aggressively costed and help make the book quite competitive on the table top. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Infantry Platoons and Abilities from Vehicles - response to FAQ

Two major questions have arisen from the most recent FAQ (seems contradictory doesn't it?) - how Infantry Platoons interact with Dawn of War; specifically their Chimeras and whether or not they too can be placed as part of a single choice. And whether or not abilities which require Line of Sight but are not shooting attacks can be used from open-topped vehicles. We'll discuss this first and then move onto the Infantry Platoons.

The FAQ in question from the main rulebook FAQ is as follows:

3++con FAQ...Take 2

So with Games Workshop answering the majority of the major questions I had outlined in the 3++ FAQ (and importantly, the Necron Q's), what other questions do people need answered? I'm sure many of you would like further insight into the deployment of Imperial Guard Platoons + Chimeras in Dawn of War and the relationship between open-topped vehicles and LoS, non-shooting based powers from fire points which I will cover in a post later. However, any other questions people are still looking to be answered so I can make sure everything is covered?

I have covered Dante's Hit & Run and Entropic Strike + FNP as I recall both of them being major questions in the previous post (along with a lot of Necron Q's) so outside of that please let me know and I'll do my best to get them into the 3++con FAQ by the end of this week!

Again, all help is appreciated, even if you're not planning on coming to 3++con!

Imperial Armour List Review: Corsair Eldar

IA11 included, as seems to be the standard these days, an alternate army list in it, this time for the Eldar faction. The last several books have had middling-to-poor army lists, though sometimes not without merit, but as a whole I have generally been happy with most of FW's recent standalone units but unimpressed with the lists they create.

Thus it was that I was rather surprised to find that not only is the Corsair Eldar army extremely different from the vanilla Eldar one, in many ways it is significantly better than its "official" companion. Now, admittedly, this is not a huge achievement given the state of Eldar these days, but I think it's fair to give FW some credit where credit is due on this.

In any case, let's take a look at this interesting little list we've been given.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Eldar Codex Review - Part 1: Introduction

One of the major requests for a long time has been an Eldar codex review. I've tried to avoid this as the review itself is rather simple in what's good and not and we are expecting the new Eldar codex to be released this year or next. However, I'll bow to pressure. What this review will do is something similar to what we did with the Tau Codex review and not only look at the Eldar units themselves, but focus on how they could be improved with their upcoming codex release. Furthermore, we're going to focus on how to use them now despite their limitations. In the end this review will not only be a review but posts looking at how to get the best mileage out of bad units as well as changes one would like to see for them in the future.

Email in: Deathwatch Army List Help

"Hey Kirby,

First off, even though you have heared it a thousand times, thanks for the great blog and all of the helpful info you and your team provide daily.

I am building a Deathwatch list, 2000 points, very fluffy but with enough kick to still be competetive. I know you probably won't like it, but an unbiased eye is much appreciated!

List Building: General Nemo Part 2

Greetings again ladies and gentlemen of the intertubes, Whitestar333 from SPG again here for the thrilling conclusion to my article on General Nemo.  Today I will start by sharing a 35 point list which I believe plays to eNemo's strengths (covered in the first article here).  I will justify each decision made in the 35 point list and then I will craft a 50 point list for you to peruse to detect any trends, differences, similarities, strengths, and weaknesses on your own!  Part of the fun of Warmachine is that making lists can only take you so far and that it really depends on whether the list matches the player's style.  These lists work for me and I have fun with them, but you might find that swapping a few things will work better for you.

Now that we've analyzed his abilities, I'll present you with a 35 point list followed by my justifications:

Warhammer 40k and Necron FAQ Updates

Okay so looks like everyone got a minor tweak to their FAQ but the most important one is the Necrons of course! Let's see what we can find.

Scarab spawning has been fixed, yes you can still spawn Scarabs so charge range is increased but no more stupid conga lines. Good. Repair Barge is worded in the same way now as well. Tesla Arcing has been clarified so it must at least hit the original target once (quite likely with BS4 twin-linked) and if the original target is destroyed, no arcing happens. Arcing in relation to armor facings and cover saves is from the firing unit as well unfortunately (no smashing Chimera walls to bits!). Differences between ever-living and Reanimation protocol cleared up.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Email in: 2000 pts Imperial Guard - a challenge for you

Broken Paintbrush

"Hello Kirby! I haven't much experience on tabletop warhammer 40.000 play since i started playing it a few months ago but long working hours are preventing me to play as much as i'd like. I can account only a few matches on vassal, but that will have to do for now.

I've always been in love with Imperial Guard since W40k:DoW videogame and i built a list that i like :) i know that it's not the best possible competitive outfit for IG but sincerely i don't care too much, because in Italy (where i live) there aren't 2k pts tournaments (1500 is dominant here) and i will most likely play only friendly games vs my local group,

List Building: General Nemo Part 1

Greetings ladies and gentlemen of the intertubes, Whitestar333 from SPG again here to share some more list building tips for you.  Today I want to talk about my favorite weatherman: General Adept Nemo.  Cygnar is a faction that is known for being the most technologically advanced of the Warmachine factions, having mastered the blend of arcane energies and the power of lightning.  General Nemo (also known as Epic Nemo, or eNemo) maximizes these powers and so if you love the idea of calling lightning down on your foes with a wall of warjacks, he's the man for you!  Since this could easily turn into a very long article, I will be again breaking him down into two parts like I did for Dr. Arkadius.  Let's start by looking at eNemo's spells and abilities to see how we can make the most of him and then in Part 2 I will share a 35 point list which I believe plays to his strengths.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Email In: Thinking About WHFB

Timff writes,

"Hello Kirby 
I've been combing through the internets, and have thus-far broken down what I think you need to run a good Fantasy list.

1. General with decent Leadership, and/or a BSB.

2. Wizards that can affect the battlefield in a manner that assists your army. If that's ranged firepower, great. If it's swinging melee in your favor, that's fine too, so long as it fits your army.

Email in: Necrons vs Meq/Mech?


"Hi Kirby, I have read your blog posts about Necrons and what I still don't get is how to make a list that is competitive against Mech AND Meq.

I have tried to make a list that can handle a pure jump pack BA list (a friend plays that) and a Mech list but find it hard. What's your opinion, should I go dakka dakka and AT to shoot meq to pieces or focus on low AP or something else?

Martin "

Email in: Blood Angels 2000 point army list


I do am a long time reader of your blog.
Playing 40K since two years now, since my friends dragged me in this time and money consuming hobby.
Have been playing SW and with a lot of succes.

But am now moving on to Blood Angels. I am thinking of a fast tank list with Mephiston. As a friend of mine is already playing a DoA army, and i don't want to copy his list.

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