- GW Snow Flock
- PVA Glue
- Small Drybrush (preferably quite old and not valuable!)
- Clean Water Pot
Step 1: Get some PVA out on your palette.
Step 2: Mix a few drops of clean water into it.
Step 3: Sprinkle some Snow Flock into it and mix the shit of of it. It should look like a white pastey snow which is what we are after. If it looks dry, add more PVA instead of more water as the water might make it even flakier!
Step 4: Apply liberally to base.
Step 5: Profit! Look at the pics for maximisation of profits!
2 pinkments:
As an alternative instead of the GW snowflock You can also just use bakingpowder/bakingsoda (not sure of this is the right english term), gives almost same effect, and it's alot cheaper :)
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