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Monday, September 26, 2011

Email in: Tyranid list


"Hey Will, It's Scott (The Dark Angel on WAU and here) wondering what your thoughts on this Tyranid list are and any pointers you have. I'm not concerned about comp, as if Tyranids could get a 1/5 anyway .

Hive Tyrant - leech essence, paroxysm, hive commander, old adversary, twin-linked devourers (because its better at shaking / stunning than a heavy v-cannon and can kill infantry better too)
1xTyrant guard - lash whip
prime - lash whip and bone sword, rending claws, toxin sacs, regen

2xhive guard
2xhive guard
2xhive guard

tervigon - cluster spines, adrenal glands, toxin sacs, catalyst
tervigon - cluster spines, adrenal glands, toxin sacs, catalyst

tyrannofex - rupture cannon, cluster spines, thorax (larvae)
trygon - adrenal glands

Leaves me with 70 points for a 1750 list

I like biovores but would I really need anymore anti inf. Should the trygon be a prime? I've gone with a no as I don't think I'd need enemy side synapse and a tervigon could easly outflank or the tyrant run up and assault anyway, also that it would probably be running more than shooting.The other option would be to add in another guard of some form, tyrant of hive.Should the tervigons have onslaught? Also like the idea of spore mines being a fun, but would the points be better spent.

Model wise, I've already got a prime a bunch of termagants and the tyrgon (thank you 3rd place) or should I convert it into a tyrannofex or something.

Thanks "

First congrats on your 3rd :). If you change the Trygon to a T-Fex you basically have my list ^^. If you are set on using the Trygon and since you have the model I'd probably go with an extra Tyrant Guard to make your Tyrantstar more durable. A single Trygon and T-Fex though is pretty blah and replacing the Prime with a 2nd Trygon might be a better bet but requires you to buy another Trygon kit.

Otherwise some point shaving (Prime to Tyrant Guard) can net you 2x Biovores or more Hive Guard. Biovores offer some long-ranged anti-infantry which Tyranids lack but aren't hyper reliable whilst more Hive Guard makes punching tanks all that easier though aren't as great against infantry based lists.

In the end I'd probably go the 2nd Trygon route even though they aren't super awesome (why are they 20 feet tall WHY!?), having two gives you reliability and if you reserve them and get both on Turn 2 with Hive Commander, you'll generally find one is getting into combat and smashing face. Remember though starting them on the table is also a viable option, particularly if you can get cover for them. Present your opponent with multiple targets and they can screw up their target priority and you don't have to rely on good reserve rolls, etc.

You could also run the Trygon as a Mawloc which I know Loriness does with great relish. It gives the Tyranid army some tricks which is something they don't really have. Importantly you can push people out of cover and off objectives with the Mawloc and whilst it has a pretty mediocre statline and 160 points for such utility is expensive, it's utility Tyranids cannot get elsewhere. The extra points can then again go into things like more Hive Guard, Tyrant Guards or Biovores.

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My concern with the trygon (or 2 trygons) in this list is their presence in the overall theme.

Don't get me wrong. I love me a good Trygon. But that beast wants combat, and he/she wants it fast. In this list, what happens?

1) Deep-strike - That's one less target for your opponent to shoot at until it arrives. Against any force that can give you a negative modifier, this maybe 3 or so turns of shooting. When it finally arrives, you only have a single unit arriving... and he/she WILL die before assault-time (unless you have some very lucky turns of shooting)

2) On foot. This may seem like a good idea, but the rest of the list walks and shoots. Try-try wants to walk and run (and run some more). So, it'll find itself wanting to advance ahead of the rest of his friends, which will single him out to shooting. So... you either go fast and get shot, or go slow and get shot a bit later.

So... pretty bad either way.

Now 2 trygons does solve this issue a little. 2 deep-strikers may allow one to survive if they turn up together. 2 runners... one should make it.

However, without any other fast, assaulting elements, your opponent can have a free turn of shooting at other stuff and then concentrate on the trygons from turn 2 as even a turn 2 assault will be a struggle (giving him probably 2+ turns to concentrate on the trygons). The tyrant and whichever unit the prime joins will offer some added CC presence, but I'd like to see something else such as Ravs or Genestealers personally. The genestealers offer some more disruption should that be the route you want to take. The ravs will make your opponent think about where he fires his missiles (insta-killing ravs or 2+ wounding trygons).
2 replies · active 702 weeks ago
Yeah, going for Tervigons + Hive guard definitely leans a list towards midfield superiority & T6 R Us, which favours T-fexes. Going for an assaulty route would suggest 2x Trygon + Ravagers ( think this'd be a more interesting list).

As for Jeanstealers, it's Ymmygirl or gtfo, due to their reliability of getting assaults off, along with backfield infantry disruption (and while losing a squad of Hive Guard sucks, the backfield disruption is amazing).
I don't mind genes as part of these lists, but you have to be prepared for a good amount of firepower. Big squads, FnP and cover (gants/gaunts/gargs) will all be needed. One or more units of ymgarls is great for disrupting ranged units such as Long Fangs/Devs. I think HG and Tervs are good choices for these lists, they just need to be run differently i.e. onslaught being more essential.
WestRider's avatar

WestRider · 702 weeks ago

I'm with Bro_Lo on this one. I run a similar list to this at 2K, and it largely seems to work because there are no easy Target Priority choices: Everything has a similar statline (well, except for the Gaunts, but everything else is T6), moves up slowly, and has non-ignorable amounts of Firepower.

It works by sticking together, grinding across Midfield while shooting, and then slamming home to finish in an Assault. Anything that breaks away from that main clump quickly draws attention to itself, gets isolated, and dies.

If you want to run this core, I'd swap the Trygon out for another T-Fex. If you want to run Trygons, you need to restructure your core so you've got more fast threats, a more mobile list with more raw speed or emphasis on striking from different angles in general.
The target priority seems straight-forward, ignoring terrain and whatnot:

1. Hive Tyrant
2. Tyrannofex
3. Hive Guard
4. Tervigons
5. Trygon
Tyranofex as number 2 assumes long range ap2 fire which some armies (wolfs, GK) dont always have. also the trygon jumps really high turn 2-3 when it deep strikes right infront of your army...
1 reply · active 702 weeks ago
If the Trygon's DSing in front, it's gonna die a horrible death due to Missiles & Melta.
the Hive Mind's avatar

the Hive Mind · 702 weeks ago

deep striking trygons also have a tendency to die to torrenting. ( that silly punisher cannon!) on top of the missile/melta weapons being fired at it. granted, if your opponent didn't bring enough special/heavy weapons, you may have bough the rest of your monstrous creatures a turn. but you didn't bring that trygon as a throw away distraction, now did you? either buy the second to deep strike, or walk it.
clobbersaurus's avatar

clobbersaurus · 702 weeks ago

First thing I would add is AS to the tyrant, it seems to me that players favor short range low AP weapons (melta) more than lascannons or plasma, I guess barring the ever popular lasplasback. To me that screws up target priority more than another unit. People seem to fear the Tyrant, and it can survive well without FNP, meaning you can give it to the Trygon. Remaining 30 points would go into termagants, because there isn't much else you can do with 30 points.
1 reply · active 702 weeks ago
40 points is a lot to find in tyranid lists though. It'd be a great addition, but i struggle to fit stuff into lists already, let alone pimping stuff already in the list.

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