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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Email in: Blood Angels 2000pt list for your advice


"Kirby hello,

I'm putting together an all-comers Blood Angels army with what I have on hand, so here's what I came up with:

BLOOD ANGELS 2,000 pts


Librarian 100
Fear of Darkness
Shield of Sanguinus

Honor Guard 225
Sanguinary Novitiate
TL Heavy Bolters


Tactical Squad 265
5 Extra Marines
Power Fist

Tactical Squad 245
5 Extra Marines
Plasma Pistol
Missile Launcher

Death Company 295
7 Extra Death Company
Power Fist
Power Fist
Drop Pod
Teleport Homer


Terminator Squad 205
Heavy Flamer

Sternguard Veterans 205
Plasma Cannon
Plasma Cannon


Dreadnought *** 145
TL Lascannon
Missile Launcher

Dreadnought 105
Multi Melta
Storm Bolter

Devastator Squad 210
Missile Launcher
Missile Launcher
Missile Launcher
Missile Launcher
TL Lascannons

It's meant to be a bit different from run of the mill Blood Angels rosters. This is basically an attempt at making a CSM-like shooty Blood Angels army that will rush to mid table, hold it and deny the opponent maneuvering space better than CSM. It's meant to have some 24"+ bite, but mostly dares the enemy to come within 24" of it.

I can swap some units out for a couple of changes but I'd rather not have to invest heavily into new models if I can help it (I do have a lot of spare power armor models and bits though).

What do you think of this list?

Kind Regards,

I feel this list is just done better as a Space Marines list. You're not really taking advantage of the Blood Angels speed or access to FNP/FC bubbles. Follow that up with a little bit of everything and it feels a bit more like an SM list with models on hand transferred to a Blood Angels list. You therefore have two options - modify this list significantly or take it to a Space Marine list. I think it can work fine as a BA list so let's go with that. I don't know what models you have though so you're going to need to shout out if I'm off base and you need to buy too much.

First let's drop the Honor Guard squad. Lots of plasmaguns with FNP is cute but as always, they are going to be ahuge target for your opponent with lots of special weapons and a FNP bubble. Then let's expand the Terminator squad to 10 strong with 2x CML. If you don't have Terminators, you can easily access some from the Assault on Black Reach set for cheap and a little bit of conversion work will install two CMLs instead of the Heavy Flamers. With FNP this unit is an absolute pain for opponents to deal with and puts out lots of firepower. They still die to AP2/1 weapons but are a great move and advance unit which can clog of midfield for you and put out some serious firepower.

I'd then be grabbing a couple of Priests in your other Elites. I'm happy to keep the Sternguard though if we are tight on points later on, dropping them might be a good idea. The Priests make every Marine in midfield a bunch harder to kill and gives you much greater counter-attack potential. I'd say you need at least two.

We then hit a bit of a conundrum - what to do with Heavy Support? I feel three Rifledreads would be great here but since we're going for some midfield presence and Tactical squads to improve that, a fire base of some kind needs to be bad. Therefore keep the Devs + 2 Dread approach but make both Dreads either have 2x twin-linked autocannons (ask an IG friend for any spare autocannons to trade) or 2x MM to support your midfield advance. Keep the Devastators as they are but change the Tactical heavy weapons to a missile launcher or lascannon. This allows you to combat squad them and make your firebase scoring. Consider a babysitting Priest as well to make them hard to remove.

Now back to our Troops. With the heavy weapons in backfield as support the other units can be a bit more aggressive so a meltagun + combi-melta are good choices. I'd skimp on the Power Fist though as they aren't really needed. You can then take a Rhino and top-hatch with them or run Razorbacks for extra firepower. I'd go with LasPlas RBacks so as your opponent encroaches on your midfield you've got that double tapping plasma. What to do with the DC though? Personally I'd drop them in favor of small ASM units in Razorbacks which basically fulfill the same role as the aggressive tactical squads. You park them in midfield with melta weapons inside, allow the LasPlas RBack to fire away and if the opponent breaks through your Terminator line, you've got a lot of S5/I5/FNP Marines counter-charging them.

This is how a midfield BA list would work but you also have more movement options due to Fast status. It's not perfect by any means but keeps pretty close to what you started with but a couple additions and changes here and there. If you really wanted to keep with the original idea and Tacticals in midfield though - look to Space Marines as that is really where they excel.

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"I feel this list is just done better as a Space Marines list."

I concur. It would require minimal changes to be a pretty good SM list, but as a BA list... well it really doesn't take advantage of the strengths of the dex too much.
Am thinking of a BA army too. I do own already a lot of rhino chassis and all types of razorback guns (As i play Space Wolves).
So i want to take advantage of the fast status of the BA vehicles as optimal as possible and FNP for support or stranded units.
The furious charge is a helpfull and handy bonus, but not the main strategy.

Taking advantage of the fast status of vehicles and creating fire lanes and cover for the 6" moving predators.Suddenly Shifting direction and the heavvpoint of the army by moving over 12 ", ...

Just havent figured out the best load out of the army. TLAssC over TLPG LC on some razorbacks???

Aiming for a 2000 and a 2500 points army.
This list need priests, honour fuard with melta instead of plasmas, pods for the melta dread.

A nice combo I use is honour guard with 4 melta with captain with combi-melta or 4 flamers and captain with combi-flamer (and lightning claw, of course) in razorback, pod or with JP
@thrungrom, you can go assault cannons on razors
having 3x auto/las-can preads to fill in your lascannon needs.
and you really dont need priests in the list fully meched (as you said merely helpful vs main strat).
Consider drop pods for the dreads. Easy to take positions in midfield early.

And to all people who goes on about not playing it as BA. He chose BA as his army, not to switch depending on strengths in some areas. Be true to your chapter, whichever it might be!

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