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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Email in: Dark Eldar at 2000pts

Totengräber's Workpläce

"Hey Kirby,
Been reading your blog for a bit now and your advice seems to click with me better then any of the other blogs I read. I was wondering if you would mind commenting on this list:

Lady Malys
Duke Sliscus

4 Kabalite Trueborn, Blaster x4
Venom Splinter Cannon
4 Kabalite Trueborn, Blaster x4
Venom Splinter Cannon
3 Grotesques Liquifier Gun
Aberration, Flesh Gauntlet
1 Raider, 80 pts = (base cost 60) + Shock Prow 5 + Enhanced Aethersails 5 + Flickerfield 10

10 Kabalite Warriors Dark Lance
9 Kabalite Warriors
Raider Splinter Racks, Night Shields, Flickerfield
14 Wyches Shardnet & Impaler x2
Hekatrix Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Agoniser
14 Wyches Shardnet & Impaler x2
Hekatrix Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Agoniser

3 Reavers Heat Lance
3 Reavers Heat Lance

Talos Pain Engine Close Combat Weapons, TL Heat Lance
Talos Pain Engine Close Combat Weapons, TL Heat Lance

Duke goes with Raider Warriors and Malys goes with Grotesques. Foot Warriors hold rear objective, the Grotesques are to knock things off the opponents objective, Wyches tarpit, Trueborn and Reavers crack tanks, and Talos helps to clean up. I’m worried a bit about the Talos’ lack of speed but I tend to like Monsterous Creatures for the fact that they can handle what comes out of the transport they pop a bit better then something like a Ravager could. I also wonder if I would be better running the Reavers as a single unit of 6 then two units of 3 each. Finally, is the shock prow worth it or does it crumble too easily when you ram a vehicle?"

What you have here is a list with a bit of everything I'm afraid. The Wyches and Talos would really benefit from a webway portal and are otherwise quite slow across the field. You've only got four vehicles and no real heavy hitting assault unit (Grotesques don't count - you need Harlequins, Beastmasters or Incubi) and otherwise units which are pretty easy to kill. Consider the Reavers are three strong, Trueborn four strong and both aggressive units. Wyches have no easy FNP access or ability to really get across the table quickly and because you have only a few vehicles, all the low AP/high strength shots are going into the talos with the multi-shooting guns (i.e. autocannons) go into your tanks.

With this in mind a re-direction really needs to be had and the best way to do this is with Webway Portals. Drop Malys from 2x Haemon with these and up the foot Warrior squad to 20 strong with double lances (or make two squads of 10 and grab two Raiders). Drop the Grots as well to help pay for this and try to scrap together the points for Haywires on the Wyches. Adding a Beastmaster squad would help as well but you won't have the points (though I don't know what points level you are operating at).

The combination of Duke + Webways allows you to deploy in alot of ways. If going first you can deploy everything not coming out of a Portal on the table but if you're going second everything but your webway portal delivery units goes into reserve and either uses the Duke's deep-striking ability or the portal to come in.

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Ok, this list needs a bit more of everything. First, Wyches might want to be 10-strong in Raiders w/ shockprows, plus they really don't need Nade Launchers. Grots need to be in LARGE groups to even be decent, and they're....expensive. Long story short, Beastmasters are something you really want to include, as well as learn to convert. Incubi are alright, but can't take hits well. Harlies are actually pretty awesome for WWP lists, so I'd suggest a few. Understand that MIGHT mean less Trueborn, which isn't that much of a sacrifice. Consider lots of Beastmasters, 2-3 Haemons w/ WWPs in Wych Raiders, and go from there (Talos, Harlies, maybe Reavers).
Grotesques currently unplayable in events without Malice, cause if you run into GK all this multiple wounds and high toughness means nothing.They NEED her psychic immunity to ignore force weapons.

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