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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Email in: Tau 2000 pt critique


"Hey Kirby,

One of my friends introduced me to your blog relatively recently. I'm a new player to the world of 40k, and decided on playing Tau as my first army. I've come up with a list that looks good (in my novice opinion) on paper in terms of balance, but would like some additional criticism, as not many people play Tau at my local gaming store.

HQ - 127
Shas'el - Plasma Rifle, Missile Pod, Targeting Array, HW Multitracker, HW Drone Controller with 2 Shield Drones

Elite - 230
Slot 1 - 165
Crisis Suit team - 2 man
Shas'vre - Plasma Rifle, Missile Pod, Targeting Array, HW Multitracker, HW Drone Controller with 2 Shield Drones
Shas'ui - TL Missile Pods, Targeting Array

Slot 2 - 165

Crisis Suit team - 2 man
Shas'vre - Plasma Rifle, Missile Pod, Targeting Array, HW Multitracker, HW Drone Controller with 2 Shield Drones
Shas'ui - TL Missile Pods, Targeting Array

Troops - 470
Slot 1 - 135
Fire Warriors - 12 man w/Shas'ui, bonding knife

Slot 2 - 135
Fire Warriors - 12 man w/Shas'ui, bonding knife

Slot 3 - 100
Kroot - 10 Kroot, 5 hounds

Slot 4 - 100
Kroot - 10 Kroot, 5 hounds

Fast Attack - 474
Slot 1 - 167
Pathfinders - 6 man, Devilfish with Flechette Dischargers, Disruption Pod

Slot 2 - 167
Pathfinders - 6 man, Devilfish with Flechette Dischargers, Disruption Pod

Slot 3 - 140
Piranha Squadron - 2 Skimmers, Fusion Blasters, Disruption pods on each

Heavy Support - 580 points
Slot 1 - 180
Hammerhead - Burst cannons, Railgun, disruption pod, multitracker, Target Lock, Flechette Discharger

Slot 2 - 200
Broadside Team - 2 man (one of which is a Shas'vre), Advanced stabilization system, HW Drone Controller (on 'vre), 2 Shield Drones

Slot 3 - 200
Broadside Team - 2 man (one of which is a Shas'vre), Advanced stabilization system, HW Drone Controller (on 'vre), 2 Shield Drones

Grand total 1981 out of 2000

The intent is to scout move the pathfinders in devilfish, then deploy them in cover, and then let the fire warriors camp out in the devilfish for objective capping and mobile anti-infantry at range. One of the two kroot carnivore squads would be used as bubble wrapping (for Broadsides), while the other would be used for outflank/infiltrate to threaten the flanks of the opposing army. I know that the pathfinders will be a high priority target for my opponents, so I have put a fair amount of twin linking on my suits in my army knowing that I may not have the pathfinders beyond the first or second turn. The primary anti armor are the two broadside teams, with the hammerhead acting as a secondary anti-armor and a primary anti-horde infantry base, hence the flechette discharger and the target lock to be able to still hit a hard target with the railgun and target softer ones while on the move. Any help in focusing this "take all opponents" would be greatly appreciated.

Sean, the list overall looks fine but for two things - your Crisis suits and Fire Warriors. I'd be looking to have three teams of three Crisis suits, two with the plasma/missile/mutli-tracker setup and one with the twin-linked missile setup (buy either a flamer or blacksun filter for the 3rd hard point). This means dropping the Shas'vre, targeting arrays and shield drones from the squad. Whilst these upgrades do increase the durability of the squad (specifically the drones), they are pretty pricey and more firepower is often the best answer for Tau. If you have any spare points over at the end, grab a team-leader and you can attach some drones if you feel like it but remember, they count towards casualties for falling back which can make your suits scatter.

Next we have Fire Warriors - they are basically there to make the Devilfish scoring and don't need the Shas'ui or Bonding knife upgrade nor the extra bodies. Again, if you have extra points you can buy more Fire Warriors for the squads if you like - this increases their durability and in a pinch gives you more firepower, but you really want them hiding as much as possible to keep your scoring options alive.

Other than that, looks solid. Increasing the Kroot to 17 strong (10 + 7 hounds) forces the opponent to kill five from the initial squad to cause a morale check and adding a target lock to the Commander ensures he can join squads and still fire effectively. Otherwise everything you need is there.

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Nominally, I like the hounds. But I keep thinking, if I drop the hounds and find 10 more points, that's a third Kroot squad. 30 Kroot in 3 squads vs 20 Kroot and 10 Hounds? Kind of a hard choice, I think, especially since Tau aren't known for taking a plethora of Troops.

Also, while each individual paint scheme on that Devilfish is executed very well, putting it all together on one thing makes it hard to look at!
Well gun drones are usually better nowadays (for the B'side teams), cuz most of the time you SHOULD be getting a cover save anyway.

Pathfinders can Infiltrate, which means they won't need those D'fish, and the Fire Warriors can have them.

I'll be honest here, NO ONE is gonna put up with those Pathfinders, and they will die. Quickly.
Longfang Squads will just violate them, and armies like DE and GK will end them just as fast.

No one likes getting shot on 2 ups, so the Pathfinders become priority one.
I recommend experimenting with them yourself, and seeing how it works for you, but I've found better luck dropping the Pathfinders entirely.
They're too expensive, since you have to buy the D'fish with them.
I use those points to buy more Piranhas, which I use to block stuff.
Once incoming enemies are blocked, I torrent them with Suits and Broadsides.

Piranhas also come with free gun drones, and they infuriate opponents, just by getting in the way.

I would seriously recommend dropping all the targeting arrays and flechette dischargers, dropping those Fire Warrior squads down to 6 man (or fishy-men, or whatever...), and investing in more Suits (you'll need either more plasma or more Missile Pods to deal with Mech Marines) and Piranhas for Suicide Melta/Lane blocking tactics.

I make no claims at being an expert...but I have been playing Tau a long time.
Also, there are many excellent Tau post to be found on this site- Go read the Codex Review and Armies in 5th Edition (can be found in the upper left corner).
Good luck with those Tau!
As an experienced tau player I say "For the Greater good!!!"
Tau an a challenging army to play, but can be very successful if you master them.
A few things:
1 - Check out the excellent tau write up on this, and on other sites (see the links at the side top).
2 - Thats a lot of pathfinders, a whole lot. What kirby said.
3 - Two squads of 6 firewarriors is always better than a single squad of 12.
Why? Because it can be in two places at once, and has a better chance of being wiped out in a single assault phase.
yes, you WANT your firewarriors to die, and die very quickly WHEN (not if) they get assaulted. You want them to die on the initial assault on your opponents turn, that way you can shoot the enemy unit in your turn.
4 - Too many shield drones. Yes, durability is good, but the strength of tau is their firepower - crisis suits are the backbone of a tau army, get as many of them as you can (umm...what kirby said...again).
5 - Railguns : five is not nearly enough at 2000 points. Yes, I know how good they are, yes, they rock! However, you need more. Two is also not enough in a squad, go for 3 broadsides, and maybe get a target lock on the sgt suit so if you really want to risk it, you can split fire. You will be facing between 6-20 vehicles at 2000 points, and every single railgun counts. (yes, your missle pods can help).
6 - hammerhead : Personally, drop the Flechette discharger, and go with smart missiles and a target lock. If you move a lot, it will reduce the chance for getting assaulted (you do move a lot, right?). The smart missiles are amazing, or go with drones for contesting/blocking. Some players do not like the hammerhead, as one shot, even with BS4 is risky given the number of targets out there. You will have to decide if the mobility, better armor and large blast are worth it.

Also, if you are new, start playing games at lower point levels, get used to the tau...they play very differently; learn the jump shoot jump of the crisis suite - master it, and you will be the bane of your foes. Being successful with tau is an art.

Good luck and keep folks posted!
These guys are right about the pathfinders, two squads is one too many and maybe two too many, you won't even have much of a use for that many markerlight hits. And the general consensus of "the more crisis suits the better" and "the more rail guns the better" is right on. I do have to disagree with SinSynn about shield drones versus gun drones on Broadsides. On Broadsides, shield drones really shine since they get the toughness and armor save of whatever model they are attached to, the way I see it that makes the extra five points way worth it especially against small arms fire and things like battle cannons. So I would say hang onto those shield drones on your Broadsides at least.
Ditto on the Pathfinders. They're useful, but your opponents won't let them last more than 1 turn, 2 if they're not use to fighting them. And definitely more TL Missile Suits. They tear apart razor/rhino spam lists. And dark eldar vehicles weep at the sight of them. I never field less than 9 with TL Missile Pod + Targeting Array. That extra BS has come in handy way more than I can count. Also, Broadsides with TL Plasma and multitrackers often prove to be the bane of deathstar units, especially when properly bubble-wrapped.
Simple things.

1 Pathfinder unit is mandatory. It does 3 things. 1) Removes cover save, from something. This is 5th ed people, and its a big deal. 2) is the ballistic skill boost - your Tau, not marines 3) Because of those things, people will shoot at them. Its a good thing, whatever they are putting into 'Finders, isnt going into suits.

Suits. You need suits. Cut out all the firewarriors bar 6, and use the points better elsewhere. Do not leave home without the following.

Shas'el, TLMP, Plasma Rifle, HW Multi Tracker, with Shas'vre Bodyguard, MP/Plasma Rifle, Targetting Array, Hardwired Multitracker.

Buy 2 of these units. They Tear up light transports reliably, have BS4 plasma, and are as small footprint, and therefor easy to hide.

Next, your other suits. I would suggest 2 x 2 TLMP/TA - Reliable, small footprint, and works well with 5th ed. Next, a full squad of 3 XV8's with Plasma/Missile/Multitracker - This has enough missiles that it can deal with a transport/infantry at range, but also has a plasma barrage that can be utilized close up.

Troops - 6 Firewarriors, only. 2 Squads of kroot, generally 10 Kroot 3 hounds is ideal, for break tests/bodies ratio. it also allows you to basically line your kroot out end to end across a board edge, thats probably enough coverage for you.

Fast Attack - 8 Pathfinders, Devilfish with D-pod only - keep em cheap and simple. They will either a) die, or b) light something up for a turn or 2, giving you a massive force multiplier. Dont deck stuff out, keep it cheap.

Next, Pirahnas. I prefer 2 x 1 Pirahna with TA/Fusion Blaster, but I also play at 1750 generally. 2x 2 with Fusion/TA, is very handy, and allows you to block things VERY well. Also gives you 2 units of 4 drones to add to your screen.

Heavy Support. Do not, ever, leave home, without 2 Railheads. You need the hulls to hide your XV8's behind. Its quite simple, to hide 4x2 suits easily behind 2 Hammerhead hulls, so your opponent gets ZERO line of sight. All those things that buttrape Tau? Like Longfangs/Vendettas/etc etc? If they cant see your model (and by the book, that means the model, not its gun, or a banner, the model.

Then a squad of 2-3 Broadsides. I personally like the Plasma Rifle upgrade, but you dont want multitrackers, you want Targetting Arrays. Also take a team leader with a Targetting Array and Hardwired Target Lock. BS4 TL Railguns will make you happy.

Tau are rough on points values for things- I can honestly say that you are better off leaving things like Shas'vre upgrades, and drones, and the like, at home. They don't serve any real purpose, ablative wounds are nice, but your much better off utilising tanks etc to block line of sight - our LD is generally average, and suits running away happens a fair bit. Dont take the chance, deny LoS, and thats easier with small footprint units.

Take what I say under advisement - Kirby will acknowledge that with Tau, I scare the PANTS off of him.
1 reply · active 700 weeks ago
There are a couple of things I'd take issue with, here.

First, for 2K a 6-man FW squad and a couple of small Kroot squads are going to leave you pretty monstrously short on Troops for claiming objectives. Tau certainly have better, stronger, more useful units than those in terms of dealing damage, but two-thirds of the games we play will come down to objectives, and it will be ridiculously easy to lose three small, weak squads over the course of five or more turns. That means you can only hope to contest at the end, not win yourself, and going in with a good chance of not being able to win is a pretty bad place to start off.

Second, your advice about Railheads. I never leave home without a Railhead, myself; that pie plate is worth its weight in any precious metal you care to name, particularly given the way Tau are often not optimized to deal with hordes (what with the way MEq scare the pants off us). But two? If all you want are the cover saves, you could get two more Devilfish for the price of a single Railhead. And that opens up your HS for more Broadsides, since as stands you can only engage two units with railguns reliably a turn, which isn't a lot at 2K. A better ratio would be 2 x 2 Broadsides and a Railhead, with the Devilfish used to provide cover for suits. Also, I personally feel the ASS is the most useful support system for Broadsides; two or three inches of lateral movement can really make a difference when it comes to granting cover to something on the far side of the table.
good god that is an ugly paintjob on that devilfish
I like to take the following layout on my crisis suits:

Squad leader: Plasma rifle, missile pod, multi tracker, HW target lock
Dude:Plasma rifle, missile pod, multi tracker
Dude: Twinlinked missile pod, target lock

Spread fire across 3 targets.
Wound allocation shenanigens.
Extra oomph from the twin missile dude early turns.
Twin missile dude dies first.
2 man PR/MP team in mid turns, just like it would be due to casualties anyway.

right around the same cost as a 3x PR/MP team, to boot.

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