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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Warmachine Arrives & Menoth Paint Scheme

So my (part of) my Warmachine order has arrived! A while ago rather and I've been slowly painting away at a test model for Menoth. How exciting! I'm still waiting on the two-player Battle Box, Choir of Menoth and Vassal of Menoth (so the most important unit and solo of Menoth and the rulebook...hmmm!). Vince got all his Khador stuff minus what's in the battlebox and he's been busy painting and assembling away as well. Here's a photo of everything sprayed and sorted into little boxes

and a list of what I have:

12x Exemplar Errants
Exemplar Errants UA
Covenant of Menoth

Again, still waiting on that Battlebox, Choir and Vassal and also planning on getting some Temple Flameguard, Blessing of Vengence and pSevvy (maybe Redemeer as well for lots of AOE fire with eFeora) so well on my way to getting quite a full force with lots of choices.

In terms of money - buying a single force is relatively cheap (35 points is probably 180 AUD) and a couple extra purchases gets you to 50 and multiple 25-35 point lists. So the entry fee into Warmachine is a LOT cheaper than Fantasy/40k but in terms of dollar per model, I'd say there's little to no difference - it all comes down game size though I have found the majority of the single models in blisters aren't hugely expensive (i.e. around 10-15 AUD instead of 30+ AUD).

Putting the models together... the infantry seem pretty easy but the more pieces there are the more unwieldy it becomes. The Reckoner whilst relatively easy to put together required pinning to glue easily and the pieces don't match-up perfectly. The metal is a lot easier to work with than GW's I find (less heavy, easier to drill but more annoying to glue) but mass armies of metal aren't fun. Here's to hoping PP releases more plastic kits and I'll be looking forward to working with the Choir and Battlebox stuff as that is supposed to plastic.

Anyway, here's my Reckoner WIP. It's not glued so there is a substantial gap between the top piece and the smoke stacks, worry not that's not there IRL, just the blu-tack moved.

I'm doing an orange based scheme with yellow as the secondary color. It's very bright and I'll be using a dirty yellow ink on the yellow itself but I'm enjoying the overall look so far. Not sure what detail colors I'll be using for weapons/eyes/detailing, etc. so any ideas there would be great. I'll probably be going for a desert themed base to stick with Menoth fluff (since they live in a desert) which should soften the brightness of the model. Anyway c&c welcome on the color scheme - only the top piece is anywhere near done though it still needs a couple more layers to make the transition smooth.

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Let me guess.
He has on warforged fire armor, a hammerclub, and a shieldcannon.

This gives me 2nd edition vibes. Go red! =P
1 reply · active 701 weeks ago
Is this "our" VT2?
Shouldn't there be more white with Menoth?
1 reply · active 701 weeks ago
Yes, there shouldn't.

PP is more than happy for hobbyists to not paint their dudes in Studio schemes :)
Does anyone know why with warmachine, everyone seems to paint their models with the same colour scheme as the box? It's very dull.
6 replies · active 701 weeks ago
The box shows the traditional, in-world color scheme that the faction uses. I'd say about half the people use it, and about half the people use alternate color schemes that they think of. It's similar to 40k - if you're playing BA, people expect your army to be red, but really it could be any color you want.
Went's avatar

Went · 701 weeks ago

My Trolls, Circle, and Blindwater armies are painted in the studio scheme because I think they look best that way instead in any alternate scheme I've ever seen or dreampt of. Can't really think of how the studio schemes are any more or less dull then alternates, Kirby's being a case in point. It's nice, but not really any better then Menoth's standard colour.
The default colour schemes are generally pretty good. But a few people still break the mold fairly frequently and that includes the developers with their private armies.
How many not-red Blood Angels are there?
Sure, there are Lamenters etc. but they are not "Blood Angels"

I don't think I have seen any players really diverging from GW paint schemes, either.
Wolves are always some sort of grey.
Ultras are nearly always that mid-blue, though Spiky James did the much tougher looking Dark Blue UM in that WD.

Just sayin'
Be free...
Paint yer models whatever color you want....
Live life.
I am not saying the colour schemes are dull, only that all armies looking the same is.

It is true that for certain marine variations colour schemes tend to be adhered to in order to tell a codex marine from a blood angel. However it is not true for the majority of 40k armies, codex marines, tyranids, eldar, dark eldar, guard etc are all painted with different schemes most of the time. The adherence to the box scheme is far more common in Warmachine, hence my original question.

I have just bought a retribution force for warmachine but as a less than talented painter, I don't want to paint a white army but I also dont want to be looked down upon for not adhering to some unspoken rule I wasnt aware of.
I think it's the lack of conversion opportunities and the ban on counts-as in tournies. Once you get into the mindset of "I shouldn't alter the models" you tend to think "I shouldn't paint them any different" as well.


I'm painting my Circle in volcanic red/orange runes and black obsidian rock, with ash-grey cloaks and dead dry white wood. I'm also using a good handful of Wood Elf models (on PP bases ofc), so what the heck, maybe people will refuse to play me or something.

Looking forward to seeing more articles on WM/H as you get playing!
Hooray for new models to burninate with! It's an interesting scheme, I'll say that, though I admit I'm not too fond of it at this point.

As a note, the choir is also metal, not plastic. And Errants are definitely somewhat fiddly to put together, but they're not the worst.
I've got to DSU, I'm got to say, I'm not a huge fan of the orange and yellow. The orange... yes! With yellow... not got me.
2 replies · active 701 weeks ago
What color would you recommend as a 2nd trimming then? Remember as well I'm going to be inking the yellow when it's done which should tone it down quite a bit.
I think the yellow in those picks is a little ...greenish. If you switched to a warmer yellow I think it might improve the overall effect. That or switch to a stronger contrast colour like silver.
If you think the orange is too bright, you can dull it by mixing in a tiny (and I mean tiny) bit of brown.
+1 on thinking it's too bright right now. I also think if you darkened and bronzed the yellow it would look better. Like think Devlin Mud and then a light bronzing.
4 replies · active 701 weeks ago
Ya the yellow is going to be inked down as mentioned in the article. ^^
It's the ADHD. Can't read when there are pics!
You should see a psychologist about that.
Yeah I'll look up one rig- SQUIRREL.
Roll a dice, 4-6, thump with club.
Never noticed it before but the Reckoner's head looks like a beaky helm
boo warmachine sucks.. also it looks like a murloc
Antebellum's avatar

Antebellum · 701 weeks ago

I have to agree that right now I am not a huge fan. I am wondering why you primed the model black. White or medium gray would have been a much better base color I think and would have saved you a lot of work covering black with orange and yellow.

Right now, the yellow looks a bit 'green' I think because its not a smooth coat. From tabletop, it probably looks fine, and will look a better with a shade of Devlin Mud or Gryphon Sepia. The yellow heads of my Blood Angel Assault Marines are similar; up really close, the yellow looks bad.

I think a problem with the yellow trim is that orange highlights to yellow (or close to it). So when the two are close together, the shoulder pads show it the best, it looks more like a highlight and less like trim (it blurs the line between the surfaces). If you turn the yellow more brown or bronze and less orange, it might help.

As for another color, what about a deep purple? Purple and yellow are complimentary and the three colors are between a triad scheme and an analogous scheme. It also happens to be the scheme I am thinking of trying on my Trollbloods.

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