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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Event Horizon Missions

Event Horizon – Missions 2012

In Event Horizon 2011, we used four basic mission types – 5 Objectives, Modified Kill Points (win by 3 or more), Table Quarters, and Victory Points – in a tier system to determine the winner.
Following feedback from players, I have taken a slight twist to the system in 2012 to create more variety between games while maintaining consistency across the playing field. We still have Objectives, Modified Kill Points, Table Quarters, and Victory Points, with the following changes,

  • It is no longer 5 objectives for objective games.
    Objectives are still fixed to maintain consistency across the playing field but there are games with 2 objectives, 3 objectives, and 5 objectives, to create different game play and strategy.
  • Modified KP has the margin reduced to win by 2KP or more.
    After 18 months of play testing, we have concluded that it was too easy to defend/draw a 3KP margin game. Using ‘win by 2KP’ margin will mitigate some lucky dice results while encouraging players to attack and defend in the KP mission.
  • Tiers have been reduced to Primary and Secondary with VP as final decider.
    This create a bigger focus on the primary mission, while still giving players with bad match-up an alternative to victory via drawing the primary and winning the secondary mission.
  • As a result of the change in tier system, there will be games without one of the three key missions. Objectives, KP, or Quarters will not appear as a tier mission in two of the six games.
    This change should reduce the chance of ‘gaming’ the tier system and put more emphasis in playing the missions. Players can no longer rely on one key mission to carry them through the tournament.
Our aim is to bring freshness and variety in the game while maintaining the competitiveness of Event Horizon.

1.   Games

Mission special rules for all games includes,
·         Seize the initiative (Rulebook P.92)
·         Infiltrate, Reserves, Deep strike, Outflank/Scout (Rulebook P.94)

1.1. Games 1

·         DEPLOYMENT: Pitch Battle (Rulebook P.93)
·         Primary: 5 Objectives
Big Win [20] – control 3 more Objectives than your opponent (e.g. 3-0, 4-1, 5-0)
Win [15] – control more Objectives than your opponent
Draw [10] – control the same number of Objectives as your opponent
Lose [5] – control fewer objectives than your opponent
Major Defeat [0] – control 3 less Objectives than your opponent (e.g. 0-3, 1-4, 0-5)
·         Secondary: Modified Kill Points
Win [10] – Win by 2 KP or more than your opponent (e.g. 2-0, 3-1, 4-2)
Draw [5] – Within 1 KP as your opponent (e.g. 0-1, 2-1, 1-2)
Lose [0] – Lose by 2 KP or more than your opponent (e.g. 0-2, 1-3, 2-4)
·         Tertiary: VP

1.2. Games 2

·         DEPLOYMENT: Dawn of War (Rulebook P.93)
·         Primary: Modified Kill Points
Big Win [20] – Win by 5 KP or more than your opponent (e.g. 5-0, 6-1)
Win [15] – Win by 2 KP or more than your opponent (e.g. 2-0, 3-1, 4-2)
Draw [10] – Within 1 KP as your opponent (e.g. 0-1, 2-1, 1-2)
Lose [5] – Lose by 2 KP or more than your opponent (e.g. 0-2, 1-3, 2-4)
Major Defeat [0] – Lose by 5 KP or more than your opponent (e.g. 0-5, 1-6)
·         Secondary: 3 Objectives
Win [10] – control more Objectives than your opponent
Draw [5] – control the same number of Objectives as your opponent
Lose [0] – control fewer objectives than your opponent
·         Tertiary: VP

1.3. Games 3

·         DEPLOYMENT: Spearhead (Rulebook P.93)
·         Primary: Table Quarters
Big Win [20] – control 2 more Quarters than your opponent (e.g. 2-0, 3-1, 4-0)
Win [15] – control more Quarters than your opponent
Draw [10] – control the same number of Quarters as your opponent
Lose [5] – control fewer Quarters than your opponent
Major Defeat [0] – control 3 less Quarters than your opponent (e.g. 0-2, 1-3, 0-4)
·         Secondary: Modified Kill Points
Win [10] – Win by 2 KP or more than your opponent (e.g. 2-0, 3-1, 4-2)
Draw [5] – Within 1 KP as your opponent (e.g. 0-1, 2-1, 1-2)
Lose [0] – Lose by 2 KP or more than your opponent (e.g. 0-2, 1-3, 2-4)
·         Tertiary: VP

1.4. Games 4

·         DEPLOYMENT: Dawn of War (Rulebook P.93)
·         Primary: Table Quarters
Big Win [20] – control 2 more Quarters than your opponent (e.g. 2-0, 3-1, 4-0)
Win [15] – control more Quarters than your opponent
Draw [10] – control the same number of Quarters as your opponent
Lose [5] – control fewer Quarters than your opponent
Major Defeat [0] – control 3 less Quarters than your opponent (e.g. 0-2, 1-3, 0-4)
·         Secondary: 5 Objectives
Win [10] – control more Objectives than your opponent
Draw [5] – control the same number of Objectives as your opponent
Lose [0] – control fewer objectives than your opponent
·         Tertiary: VP

1.5. Games 5

·         DEPLOYMENT: Spearhead (Rulebook P.93)
·         Primary: 2 Objectives – not in deployment quarter
Big Win [20] – control 2 Objectives
Win [15] – control more Objectives than your opponent
Draw [10] – control the same number of Objectives as your opponent
Lose [5] – control fewer objectives than your opponent
Major Defeat [0] – control 2 less Objectives than your opponent (0-2)
·         Secondary: Table Quarters
Win [10] – control more Quarters than your opponent
Draw [5] – control the same number of Quarters as your opponent
Lose [0] – control fewer Quarters than your opponent
·         Tertiary: VP

1.6. Games 6

·         DEPLOYMENT: Pitch Battle (Rulebook P.93)
·         Primary: Modified Kill Points
Big Win [20] – Win by 5 KP or more than your opponent (e.g. 5-0, 6-1)
Win [15] – Win by 2 KP or more than your opponent (e.g. 2-0, 3-1, 4-2)
Draw [10] – Within 1 KP as your opponent (e.g. 0-1, 2-1, 1-2)
Lose [5] – Lose by 2 KP or more than your opponent (e.g. 0-2, 1-3, 2-4)
Major Defeat [0] – Lose by 5 KP or more than your opponent (e.g. 0-5, 1-6)
·         Secondary: Table Quarters
Win [10] – control more Quarters than your opponent
Draw [5] – control the same number of Quarters as your opponent
Lose [0] – control fewer Quarters than your opponent
·         Tertiary: VP

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