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"Pink isn't a color. It's a lifestyle." - Chumbalaya
"...generalship should be informing list building." - Sir Biscuit
"I buy models with my excess money" - Valkyrie whilst a waitress leans over him

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Eldar

Well with Councils going downhill and chair126 sparking me to post what I'd been working on in relation to Mech Eldar I've got two armies to post here. One is my not so optimised council list and the other is the new Mech list which I'll need to get some more models for.

Council List:
HQ -
Farseer w/Runes of Warding, Spirit Stones, Jetbike, Fortune, Doom and Mind War

Warlocks x7 w/Jetbikes, 4x Destructor, Embolden, Enhance

Autarch w/Laser Lance, Jetbike, Mandiblasters

Elites -
Fire Dragons x5
Wave Serpent w/TL’d Shuriken Cannon, Shuriken cannon, Spirit stones

Fire Dragons x5
Wave Serpent w/TL’d Shuriken Cannon, Shuriken cannon, Spirit stones

Trrops -
Dire Avengers x5

Dire Avengers x5
Wave Serpent w/TL’d Bright Lances, Shuriken Cannon

Dire Avengers x5
Wave Serpent w/TL’d Bright Lances, Shuriken Cannon

Heavy Support -
Fire Prism w/Shuriken Cannon

Fire Prism w/Shuriken Cannon

Falcon w/Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon, Holo-fields, Spirit Stones

Totals: 2000 pts
25 infantry
9 jetbikes
7 tanks

This isn't anything stellar by Eldar standards but it's one of the better lists I think possible with an Autarch on bike (when the Eldar first came out I had to make a conversion for it and I like it ^^). It's decently competitive but you'll find more often than not people will bitch and moan about the council *tear*. With more and more anti-psy cropping up though it's a pretty weak lynchpin.

Mech Spam List:

HQ -

Elites -
Fire Dragons x5
Serpent w/TL Shuriken Cannons, Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones

Fire Dragons x5
Serpent w/TL Shuriken Cannons, Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones

Fire Dragons x5
Serpent w/TL Shuriken Cannons, Shuriken Cannon

Troops -
Dire Avengers x5
Serpent w/TL Bright Lance, Shuriken Cannon

Dire Avengers x5
Serpent w/TL Bright Lance, Shuriken Cannon

Storm Guardians x10 w/2 flamers
Serpent w/TL EML, Shuriken Cannon

Dire Avengers x5

Fast Attack -
Vyper w/Shuriken Cannon, Scatter Laser

Heavy Support -
Fire Prism w/Shuriken Cannon

Fire Prism w/Shuriken Cannon

Falcon w/Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon, Holo-fields, Spirit Stones

Total: 1997 pts
Tanks: 10
Infantry: 41

Now this is the list I've been playing around with lately and posted up in response to chair126's request. I think the Eldar AV12 across the board is a lot scarier than a Council to most armies. The mass of S6 firepower and melta drop-offs + Double Fortune early on are pretty impressive, too. There are some variations on this list so I might change it up as I play with it but this should be my core as it stands.

Update 5/4/2011: I was just reminded of this page and noticed a lone Vyper in a 2k list ew. The vyper should be dropped for an Autarch really though you could also upgrade the DAVU to Storm Guardians with Warlocks as well.

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