Kirb your enthusiasm!


"Pink isn't a color. It's a lifestyle." - Chumbalaya
"...generalship should be informing list building." - Sir Biscuit
"I buy models with my excess money" - Valkyrie whilst a waitress leans over him

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Setting myself a little target...

Unfortunately, I have to say that I'm one of those guys that turns up to the FLGS week in, week out with a half painted army. Actually, I lie, I turn up far less frequently and my army is less than half painted :(. Yeah... I'm that guy.

With a busy work life and some mild OCD I just don't have the time to get my painting stuff out to work on some models all that often. When I do have some 'hobby' time I like to catch up on some recent activity on the blog world. Unfortunately this tends to make me want to go and buy more models - Purgatus... you're just not helping me here - which reduces my painted:non-painted ratio.

I've managed to resist buying new models for quite some time and now I have that under control (the urge to buy nids is burning inside me), I'm going to push on and complete my Black Templars. My Crusader squads are just fed up of rocking plain black boxes.

I have a whole day off tomorrow and the missus' is pretty busy for the rest of the week/weekend and a shoulder injury is keeping me away from the gym. Beside some sport on Friday, I've practically got 'hobby time' coming out of my ears. So... I'm setting myself a target. By Sunday evening, I want the two rhinos and 5 initiates painted and the 4 bikers, constructed and primed ready for my next paint outing. This may seem like weaksauce in comparison to the speed painting that we get from Rupert, but hey, I'm a slow painter.

I've done one thing for the community this week, now I ask you this... if you see me out and about on the blogosphere, bully me, call me names, whatever you like, just get me painting. Wish me luck...

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Hey I don't know if this will help at all but I know that I had trouble getting painting but one of the biggest things that really helped me was just having a dedicated painting area, it does not have to be big, even just a 2 by 3 or 4 area that I can leave my painting stuff out, the models I am working on etc, heck I even change the water and have that ready to go. One of the majors challenges to getting stuff painting for me was the set up. Now that everything is always ready to go I can sit down whenever be it for 10 minutes or two hours and get some painting done. Like I said, I found this tip was the difference between going for two months without getting any painting/modeling done and getting a little bit done everyday. Hope it helps.

Another thing that helps me is I found a warhammer podcast that I enjoy listening to, and I am only allowed to listen too it while I am working on my miniatures. Another incentive.
1 reply · active 735 weeks ago
It's a nice idea, but I hate seeing everything out as my house is smallish and it looks a mess (go go OCD). As I now have a proper garage I may try to use it as the weather warms.

I'll give the podcast a try.
Ah well I've got like 50 gants and 6 raveners to paint in 10 days!
I had a similar problem with my blood angels - in 5 days I've made more progress on my new army than I had in 5 months with the blood angels. Between buying everything, and setting goals and targets for each week, I am finding myself raging ahead of where I need to be which is great but I hope it doesnt stop.

Part of it was the thought of sitting down to do a certain colour scheme - it looked good but was a pain to paint and I hate using red (why I chose it to be my main colour for the tanks I have no idea).

I did hate being "that guy" that turned up each week to the LGS with 3 or 4 painted tanks, 5 or 6 unpainted (the insides were done beautifully though) and then a ton of infantry that barely, if at all, was WYSIWYG.
This is me in a blog post. My nids haven't moved far.

On the plus side, I've stuck together two Ironguts recently!

Yeah, I need to paint more.
4 replies · active 735 weeks ago
What is your blog called?
Bad Bro_Lo. No blogs for you! Now get painting b*tch! ;)
It was more like...

"If blog posts could be a physical person, with the content of the blog being the person themselves, then this blog post would accurately represent me."
awww... a blog within a blog would be cool. You could just de-rail threads at will.
Good luck, BroLo!
I'm exactly the same. It takes me forever to get stuff done. A recent local tournament I participated in helped some. There was a paint contest (separate from the gaming part) where you entered 1 HQ, 1 Troop, and 1 other unit of your choice. It gave a perfect bite-sized goal to work on before the tourney. I ended up missing the instructions about entering (not sure if I was focused on my game or if it happened when I went to get lunch) but I was glad to get paint on a few things anyway.
Bro_Lo: per your request -

You've wasted precious minutes creating this post. GET BACK TO WORK!
2 replies · active 735 weeks ago
You also seem to be spending a lot of time replying to responses to your article asking people to remind you not to spend time in the blogosphere.

The ironing is delicious.
Do it, BroLo!
I know your pain, my templars are more or less in the same spot. College and work leave little to no time to paint my army -.-'

good luck on this endeavour. (emperor knows you'll need it) =)
Tratchenberg's avatar

Tratchenberg · 735 weeks ago

Nothing like attending a tournament to get stuff painted, of course not everybody has time for that.

Attended a tournament weekend before last and got 1500 points of my 1750 point army to gaming standard in two and a half weeks (incl. 9 drop pods, whose stupid idea was that?...). Currently working on a storm raven and getting the gaming standard of the models already painted up to a standard I'm happy with for the next tournament in 3 weeks.

Things I do/have organised (some of which have been mentioned by others):
- Painting area (I tidy it up after a session but I keep it clear for painting)
- Music/TV I've seen before, never have anything on that you haven't seen before, you won't get anything done.
- Others to paint with. Its a lot easier when everyone is sitting down painting.
- One thing I've found recently is I hate the look of models when they've been sprayed black, matte finish does not work for me.
- Setting daily goals. A tournament is an obvious goal but setting smaller goals is how you get there.
- I use the internet as a break between colours or sections of whatever I happen to be painting. (Gotta keep track of 3++ :p )
Thalenchar's avatar

Thalenchar · 735 weeks ago

Personally it always works best if I line up all the colours I'll be using on any set of models, including washes and highlights, in the order I'll be using them. Then I pick the colour that's second or third from the end and make a deal with myself that I have to keep painting until I've reached that colour, at least. Then it's just turning on the old stubborness and refusing to break the deal I've made with myself until I've reached that particular colour. Of course, once I've reached it, there's only one or two more colours to apply before the batch is finished, and by then I've been at it for so long a few extra minutes to finish everything off hardly add anything.
It's amazing how I always fall for that particular trick...

Good luck, Bro_Lo!
I find jst sticknig with it workd, my OCD means I can't play the unit unless painted and because of that I have to paint :)

Also helps that my othe rhalf sits and watches TV behind me so I get 3-4 hours done a night and managed to churn out a couple of hundred models dnoe in basic colours with some washes and all details done. from a foot away their fine, form closer still ok, right in your face their basic. but it keeps my armies 95% painted.

Marines are easier for this than guard i've found, mange to churn out about 30 marines within a week.
2 replies · active 735 weeks ago
30 Marines a week!!! Holy smoke! I'd be surprised if I could do that a month!
Its not that thard actually, usually 2 nights spent building and basing and main colour and 2-3 more for painting eyes, bolters, details and it gets it done quickly. ust have to keep it simple basic colours and washes for the main areas.

I'm attempting to paint up 15 Jump pack assault marines, 3 of which will be priests, the rest are going to be 1st company vets who can double as my sang guard if play them as BA and 25 foot slogging assault marines.
Yeah...Purgatus is a menace and must be stopped. Lol.
Good luck with the OCD...
Fer the love of God resist the urge to do Nids if you have problems getting fully painted armies on the table!
You'll quickly find yourself drowning in the little stabby bastards...
So the 4 bikes are pretty much made (still need to be based) and 2 of the 5 initiates are painted. That's not bad, but not as much as I'd have liked for today. Tomorrow I'm aiming for the initiates to be done.

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