The list is...
Emperor's Champion - Accept Any Challenge - 140
Marshal - Terminator armour, Storm shield, Lightning Claw, Adamantine Mantle, - 180
Chaplain Grimaldus - 195
Assault Terminators - 6 terminators, (3 x TH/SS, 3 x PoLC), Furious Charge - 258
Terminators - 2 x Assault Cannons, 2 x Chainfists, Tank Hunters - 265
Terminators - 2 x Assault Cannons, 2 x Chainfists, Tank Hunters - 265
Crusader Squad - 10 x Initiates, Meltagun, Powerfist, 3 neophytes, frag grenades - 228
Crusader Squad - 10 x Initiates, Meltagun, Powerfist, 2 neophytes, frag grenades - 218
Just 47 models has made them nice and easy to transport... I even got a new bag from KR cases. I don't like the foam, but I'm fed up of lugging round a big case.
I've managed to get 2 games in with the list, both games were a win. Well a whitewash actually. It seems to do reasonably well, but my opponents weren't exactly top calibre really. No offense if you read this, but tablings on turns 5 and 3 when I had >50% of my list left in both games isn't exactly a tough match. Nice opponents though. One of them usually gives me a good run for my money, but hasn't played in a while.
The tournament starts at 9 tomorrow morning, but I can't be arsed to update from my phone. Apparently HTC batteries don't enjoy being used for more than 10 minutes a day. I'll let y'all know how things go after the weekend. Just wish me luck in stuffing all the boys from SoS. No... not in that way you sick freaks.