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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Email in: Screw Draigo Wing, its all about the Mordrak Wing


"Good Morning Kirby, I thought you might want to wrap your brain around an unconventional GK list with a zest of conventional. No Psyfleman, No Draigo but a list with some rigid and useful tools. Granted this list will have a hard time punching more than 2-3 Vehicles a turn, it has a lot of tricks up its sleeves. I really love Mordrak, I think he is highly underrated and has a great background. I love Incinerator Purgations, they are a cheap tool that can effectively use reserve to punch Light Armor, hordes and lay down some serious wounds on MEQ for the low low low price of a 100 points (Minus the Razorback). GK play best at being in your face army and the lists that I see being played are just Imperial Guard players with MEQ trying to recreate a very shooty list that can spread its alpha strike capabilities over a few turns. (Which is great!) I play DE competitively and I don't think any army in the game at the moment can outperform DE in shooting at the moment so I want to play something a little different with the shiny men from Titan.

Mordrak w/ 5 Ghost Knights (2 Great Swords, 1 DaemonHammer, 2 Halberd)

Librarian w/ Hammerhand, Quicksilver, Warp Rift, Sanctuary

10 Paladins w/ 3 Psycannons, 2 DaemonHammer, 4 Halberd, 4 Great Swords, Apothecary

5 GK Terminators w/ 1 Psycannon, 2 Great Swords, 1 DaemonHammer, 2 Halberd

5 GK Terminators w/ 1 Psycannon, 2 Great Swords, 1 DaemonHammer, 2 Halberd

5 Purgations GK w/ 4 Incinerators, 1 Great Sword.
Razorback with TL-Heavy Bolters and Psybolt Ammo

5 Purgations GK w/ 4 Incinerators, 1 Great Sword.
Razorback with TL-Heavy Bolters and Psybolt Ammo

Total - 2000 Points.

Tools and Tricks:
With Grand Strategy, I can make the Paladins scoring and Mordrak unit or Scout/Outflank the Purgations (if I get lucky the Paladins too) or give Mordrak and the Paladin Counter-Attack (Legit son!).

I can also go full reserve well with just Mordrak's Unit coming down on Turn 1 no scatter automatically than Psychic Communion on turn 2 to help reserves enter.

Turn 1 no scatter auto DS from Mordrak + Ghost Knights + Librarian = Warp Rift can seriously screw some armies up. (Its a JAWS Flamer that also causes single penetrating hit on vehicles that it touches)."

Mordak, Libby and no summoning? I'd bring along summoning so you can bring the Paladin squad in as support. Bring along the teleport homer and some servo skulls as well so you can make sure everything comes down accurately as well. The issue then is your army is basically something that gets in your opponent's face - which is great, but you don't really have the power to crack things open. Five relentless Psycannons isn't going to cut it and I'd really be looking to get Psyfledreads in place of the Purgation squads and cheaper support (GKSS in Psybacks?) instead of the GKT. You've got 17 tough guys in your opponent's face already so you need to maximise your other points.

That being said I don't really think it's that great. Psychic defense is going to stop summoning around half the time and then Mordak and co are left out to dry in front of your opponent's army and you end up with a less capable Draigowing. I really think the FAQ fudged up the Mordak + Libby combination since you cannot double cast Summoning but other than getting your Paladins into combat earlier and putting heaps of pressure on shooting armies which cannot out combat Grey Knights, it just feels like the list doesn't give you anything over and above what walking across would.

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Pretty sure grand strategy can't affect Mordrak and his ghost knights...
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
Verified, no Grand Strategy on Mordrak and his merry bunch of dead friends.
That picture is tremendous. Awesome and simply conversion.
2 replies · active 703 weeks ago
"Mordak, Libby and no summoning? I'd bring along summoning so you can bring the Paladin squad in as support."

Kirby, are you mental? Summoning is an AWFUL power. That's just what this list needs, an easy way to mishap with the Paladin squad. [/sarcasm]. Now a Teleport Homer does make a lot of sense.
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
While risky there is a way (two ways) to get that teleport homer into his force - Purgation Squad Justicars can take a Teleport Homer with them for peanuts (5 points if I remember from the codex). Risky of course because the Purgators have to be out in front, exposed to the enemy's vanguard plus I am not sure if the homer works while they are aboard the Psybacks. I was personally thinking about using Purgators as a way to DS in Terminators and Dreadknights but as I pointed out, the Justicar would have to survive after disembarking (in my force, especially using a Psyback, an extra body would do wonders as an ablative wound).
mordrak brings a storm raven with a inquisitorial unit including astropaths as well as some protectorates (crusaders work well) then bring in squads of 6 terminators w brotherhood banner, hammer, 4 halberds. in bulk. i realise this means no librarian but no scatter = happy face
I am tempted by Mordrak but he loses all the grenade abilities of a plain Grandmaster.

Kirby? Can he work in place of a GM and scoring Terminators?
I tried the similar mordrak + libby + knights combo but it didnt work as well as it looked on paper. Warprift, being AP-, is -1 on the damage chart, which isnt so bad considering its a free penetrating hit, but still makes it awfully hard to wreck a vehicle.

I also got stuck when my opponent refused to shoot anything lower than str 8 at the unit. This meant i obviously couldnt spawn any new ghost knights, as any failed save on mordrak kills the entire unit. This isnt particularly hard to achieve for most armies, especially if your deepstriking within flamer range of their army.

Finally, its one hell of an expensive unit (~600 points) that's all on its own for the first turn.
Out of interest what would be an effective Mordrak Wing list? I like his rules but I've been having trouble coming up with a list that features him that doesn't feel like a normal list with him tacked on in place of a regular GM.
Maybe Shunting DKs to come on the board and help with the first turn presence? I know you can just bubblewrap to keep them out, but Mordrak, a Libby summoning paladins or a LR Crusader, then a couple DKs coming in on top should be a tremendous amount of pressure. Sure, yeah, they can just reserve everything, but then that means you line up on their back wall with no scatter Mordrak and try to ninja tau them off the board.
LolCommissar's avatar

LolCommissar · 703 weeks ago

Inquisitor w/ TDA, Pyscannon is Mordraks best friend. 1st turn side/rear armour shots, yes please. I think the Mordrak/Libby combo is just too expensive.

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