Dakka |
"Hey Kirby, really struggling with the best balance in this list.
6x5 GKSS, Psi Cannon, Razor w Psi ammo
3x5 Purifiers, 2 Psi Cannons, 1 Hammer, Razor w Psi ammo
3 Dreads, 2 twin linked AC's w Psi ammo
With the remaining 25 I can upgrade my Inq with rad grenades and a power sword or buy some dozer blades.
Now my question is am i better served in this list with ven dreads instead of purifiers for extra anti armor. If so, should i trade all 3 or just 1 or 2?
Is it worth it to take one squad of GKSS and change them into a 5 man Death Cult squad with the same Razor (works with a Rad grenade/hammer hand upgrade to the Inq)
How much would it be worth to sacrifice stuff to fit Coatez into the list. (say go to a 5 man death cult over a GKSS squad and put the purifiers in rhinos instead of Razors...)
What is your take on Rhinos vs Razors for 5 man purifier squads in any case?
Thanks for taking the time to have a look."
I think in this case what the list lacks is AP1. I generally find when going for MSU Grey Knights with Psybacks that getting two Ordus Inquisitors with TDA + Psycannon and plopping them in a largeish henchmen unit with MM Servitors + meltagun Acolytes gives your army some bubble-wrap and two very good anti-tank units which don't score. If you wanted to stick with the full MSU Grey Knight theme though I'd use those extra points for Dozer Blades though I would probably drop the Psybacks on the Purifiers to Rhinos. Having some Rhinos in Grey Knight lists is pretty important as you can do some top-hatching, particularly as units start to get whittled down (and thus hide and remain a scoring threat).
If you wanted to get a counter assault unit replacing one of the Purifiers with a DCA is a fine option as well though you'll find it hard to squeeze in Coteaz. I'd keep the Purifiers over the VenPsyfles as the extra bodies and psycannons help - particularly in terms of anti-infantry. If you wanted more than three Dreads I'd go with Crowe + Purifier Troops and once you've got your six, fill out the rest with Dreadnoughts. Bit uni-dimensional but annoying as hell.
TheKingElessar 71p · 703 weeks ago
I concur, the lack of AP1 seems to be a serious potential issue here.
I'd also ignore Death Cults - sure, they're pretty good, but there is no necessity to have any CC units in your list, whatever the internet tries to tell you. (Ignore the irony of someone on the internet telling you to ignore the internet...)
blackjack · 703 weeks ago
Naked Inq
Warband with 3 multimelta servitors, 2 Acolites with bolt guns (bolters just round out points)
6x 5 GKSS, 1 Psi Cannon, Razorback wPsi Ammo
3x5 Purifiers, 2 Psi Cannons, 1 Hammer, Rhino w Dozer Blades
3x Dreads, 2 Twin ACs, Psi ammo
I also came to the conclusion i needed ap1. The warband is small and fragile however it lets me take a full load of msu grey knights and only costs 65pts total. I find the termi inq with psi cannon a bit pricey. Would like to find another 60 or so points for another cheap multi melta unit with inq.