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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sisters of Battle Codex Review: Part 8 - Dedicated Transports


Sisters of Battle have one of the stock-standard Imperial transports in the Rhino but they also boast the Immolator. The Immolator is essentially a Razorback but with Sisters of Battle weapon options and a higher starting price but fulfils the same Razorback role - transport with a gun. Let's take a closer look at both and which units will find best usage out of each.

Rhino -

Everyone knows what the Rhino does right? For 35 measly points you get an AV11 box which protects up to ten of your girls and allows two of them to fire from the top-hatch. This is great for protecting units which don't need to be exposed (i.e. your Sisters of Battle) whilst still allowing them to affect the tabletop with their top-hatch firing. It also grants each unit a 12" move + 2" disembark in terms of melta threat ranges and the general increase in movement over your standard infantry + run move. The increased capacity of Rhino is the major difference between the Rhino and Immolators and for that reason squads which are higher than six are generally your best bet here as the Immolator simply cannot carry them. Sisters of Battle squads are a prime example here.

Squads with special or heavy weapons will also gain a lot from the Rhino due to the top-hatch and that is ultimately the consideration you have to take into account between the Immolator and Rhino - do I want the top-hatch ability or an extra heavy weapon? Heavy weapons such as the multi-melta will often prefer the Rhino so they can park and 'bunker' whilst more mobile weapons such as meltaguns which can hop out and shoot might prefer the Immolator for the extra firepower it brings. That being said, being able to shoot meltaguns out of the top-hatch is also a very nice boon.

All in all if a unit has the option to take an Immolator or Rhino, there's nearly no reason why you shouldn't at least be taking a Rhino. For 35 points you get a lot of protection and utility in being able to block and misdirect your opponent, not to mention the joy of tank shocking a unit multiple times.

Immolator - 

Immolators are essentially Razorbacks - a Rhino chassis which can hold six girls with guns and boasts a heavy weapon. If you're not going to be using the top-hatch (i.e. combat unit) and the squad is sized six or less, the Immolator not only brings the movement and protection benefit of the Rhino, but an extra gun into the bargain. Of course, the movement benefit is often hindered by the heavy weapon as you cannot move 12" and fire the heavy weapon. Therefore, careful consideration needs to be utilised when grabbing Immolators over Rhinos and you must not be afraid to forego their shooting to get their unit into place.

This was really the biggest nerf of the new book despite there being an equivalent vehicle in the Blood Angels Razorback, Immolators can no longer move 12" and fire their heavy flamer. This makes the Heavy Flamer option a lot less attractive as the whole army slows down. It's still usable certainly but not so much in an aggressive manner and certainly not to continually circle each other, dropping melta units and then frying tanks and infantry alike. This means we need to look at the other options - twin-linked special Heavy Bolters and twin-linked Multi-melta.

On paper the twin-linked MM looks fantastic...I mean it's a multi-melta, on a tank and it's twin-linked. Unfortunately though it's expensive (80 points) and doesn't have the longest reaching weapon. They are great at holding midfield alongside Sisters of Battle with their MMs (and bring some mobility to the cause) but are expensive to field en masse. With this in mind they do make excellent transports for Dominions with Scout as they can get into position before the game begins but aren't as effective with other units. And this brings us to the twin-linked inferno bolts Heavy Bolter option. At 65 points this is a very expensive option as well (consider the Psyback from Grey Knights is 50) but does bring some more anti-infantry firepower at range - it just lacks any sort of duality against tanks. If you didn't bring Retributors and are looking for some Immolators, the inferno Heavy Bolter option isn't too bad but it really is quite expensive for what you get. Without the Retributors though they do allow you to kill infantry at range which is quite important.

With this in mind the multi-melta and heavy bolter options are probably your best bet but neither are stellar. Because of this Rhinos may often be the more sought after choice except in specific circumstances (i.e. Dominions) or where one really wants the extra firepower they bring.

Upgrades -

Sisters of Battle vehicles have the usual Imperial assortment of upgrades. They come standard with smoke launchers which is great but like many new books, need to buy searchlights for one point. If you have a couple leftover points these are a decent buy for any potential shooting in Dawn of War though the range of the army generally limits this. Dozer Blades as always are an excellent buy to make terrain less scary but expensive en masse across an army whilst extra armor is probably only worth it on whatever the Battle Conclave/Repentia ride in - even then, trust to saturation to help you rather than making Rhinos as expensive as they were before. Storm Bolters are also too expensive to bother with at 10 points each but Hunter Killer Missiles can give the Sisters army an excellent high strength first turn salvo (or second turn) from distance. This can really help overcome their lack of ranged firepower but as always with this strategy, is expensive and not guaranteed to do any significant damage.

Conclusion -

With the decrease in usefulness of the Immolator, Rhinos are really the transport of choice. If you're in desperate need of extra firepower, the Immolator can provide and the firepower they provide is mobile and does fill a niche Sister armies could benefit from (i.e. mobile MMs or ranged anti-infantry). Generally though, they are over-costed and only really useful with Dominions. Rhinos on the other hand are just dirt cheap, provide protection, increased movement, top-hatch and the usual disruption/blocking/misdirection/tank shocking a tank brings to the table without the hassle of losing firepower or an important tank when they engage in that role.

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Why do they even call the Immolator an Immolator any more? Isnt' it just a razorback with nuns rather than monks inside?
Say... do you think maybe in 6th Ed all template weapons mounted on vehicles might get the ability to move at cruising speed and still fire?

That might explain the bizarre costing structure for TLHF Razors/Immos outside of BA and why the Sisters lost their special move and flame rule.
14 replies · active 700 weeks ago
More likely that Assault weapons will be Defensive...
That would make sense, but in this case, it wouldn't really help.
But the TLHF price was "set" all the way with the SM codex, which was the very first book released for 5E. Somehow I don't think they were _that_ forward-looking.
the SM codex TLHF is 45+25=70 so you get a 5pts discount woooo, It seems to me like the Immolator had fast in it entry at some point but didn't get the price drop when they took it out.
Sad to see the army that first thought to put Heavy Flamers on Rhino chassis way back in 2 Ed is reduced to... worse then BA in that regard.

HKMs do good work in the Sisters list. They are expensive, yes, but for the price of, say, one Exo you are getting 9 HKMs. It would take that Exo all game to shoot that many shots. You are unlikely you buy, or even need that many, but they provide a valulable service you simply cannot find elsewhere in the codex.
>all game to shoot that many shots

Or an average of slightly more than two turns (7.5 vs 9.)
Well, my math is off, I suppose.

Either way, the point being is that the SoB list has some holes that the HKMs fill nicely, mainly the fact that you aren't getting elites or many troops. What you ARE getting is a minimum of 2 Doms and some combination of Rets and Exos, with Celetine (with possible Seraphim) and Jacobus (with DCA). You might get three meltabunkers, and... then that's it. You can't get another Exo, even if you have the points, as you already filled those Heavy slots to max. But... what you can do is put all those rhino/immo hulls to work, and sort of buy another Exo, by outfitting with HKMs.

Sure, it takes some manevering, but the fact that you are getting 3 (+1) heavy slots on things you are already taking in a list that runs out of FOC slots quickly seems... incredibly useful.
No, of course not, but they seemed to have rectififed the lol-price with the BA dex... only to crank it back up for GK and Sisters... whose Razors/Immos aren't fast. Hence the theory of a change to template weapons on vehicles.

In truth, this is more wishful thinking on my part than actually believing that GW would figure out that a vehicle that has to move at combat speed in order to fire an 8 inch template isn't very good. But hey, crazier things have happened.
Well, I feel sorry for the Sisters, if nothing else.
Same. There's a saying of Napoleon's that I'm quite fond of: Never ascribe to malice that which can be as easily explained by incompetence.

In the case of the SoB dex, I'm not sure I agree with the Petit Caporal. A nerf this bad to a codex that was already struggling...
Nah, authored by the guy who made Lictors unplayable?
Beh. Agreed, but the whole Nids dex is certainly better than it was. You can't say the same for the Sisters.

Much like the Blood Angels old PDF steamer, I wouldn't be surprised if they wrote it to intentionally shoo people away while they clean out inventory to make room for the new 'dex and minis.
Napoleon is awesome. He lead a charge on the egyptians from the breast pocket of his lieutennant, and then leapt down a man's throat and killed him to death from the inside out. Crazy scary.

The old Sisters dex didn't seem like it was struggling too much. It was pretty well a mono-build if you wanted to be competitive, but you had a couple of armies that still worked. They were better that a couple of 4th-ed. dexes still, even though they were stuck with a 3rd-ed. book.
Yep. It was one army I found particularly annoying to face when the player knew what he was doing.
When the new 'Dex" came out my sisters cried and hugged their Repressor. You wana talk about an awesome unit for the Sisters. I was very very disappointed it didn't make the move from FW to Codex.
1 reply · active 700 weeks ago
I don't understand this! The Repressor ad is on the VERY NEXT PAGE, complete with all kinds of new information (the linked FW rules don't have an Assault Ramp, for example). How hard would it have been to include the entry under transports, and just put 'see Forge World rules' under the information part?

Still, someone complaining about you using a Forge World unit in a Chapter Approved White Dwarf update to a Third Edition codex is... kind of a jerk...
What about the great retributor abusepuppy? That deserves a good mention. 7 fire points is murder with the right unit. E.g. Dominion Squad of fiery doom plus 1 more heavy flamer for only 15 points more than a rhino. 15 points doesn't equate to 1 extra heavy flamer (atleast), a dozer blade (who cares, bit extra fluff) and a lovely/mental 7 fire points.
1 reply · active 692 weeks ago
Sorry Repressor

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