England beat France in the final round to take the 2012 40K European Team Championship in Poland.
The ETC has grown to become one of the world's biggest andFor those who were watching the event unfold, England's result was on the back of some very solid victories for Team England, but was also a surprise because at the end of round 5 the two leading teams expected to battle it out for first place were Germany and Russia. After those two drew, England scored enough points over the French to leapfrog the other teams to the top of the table and make their contribution to keeping the British "Summer of Sport" alive.
Here is a table of the final results so you can see how your favourite teams performed (VP stands for Victory Points, but the all-important score is the MP in the Match Points column).
I'd like to also congratulate my other team in the event, Australia, not only for travelling the huge distance to their first appearance at an ETC, but also for taking the Best Sports award. Well done, and well deserved.
The Australian Team Championship (ATC) will be held on the 1st and 2nd of September, so stay tuned for some coverage of the event - you may even get to see me (Western Australia) match up against Kirby (evil New South Wales boo hiss) if we are completely insane and decide it's a good idea to fit a 7th game into the middle of a gruelling 6 game tournament. And it will be 6th edition!
If you'd like to see in-depth coverage and photos of the event, click here.
So, how did your team do? Any surprises apart from the Pirates of Yarrr finishing ahead of the USA?