Still being relatively new to the
tournament scene I was after some critique from a fresh set of eyes on this
list I have. Not having a lot of experience against guard and even less
experience playing guard any advice of the list itself, comp score, how you
think it will play in the current metagame would be appreciated.
Command Platoon - 215pts
Straken, Laspistols & Close combat
weapons, medipack, camo-cloaks, bodyguard
Command Platoon - 235pts
Creed, medipack, camo-cloaks,
Psyker Battle Squad - 80pts
Overseer, Psyker x6
Infantry Platoon #1 - 515pts
Platoon Command Squad
Infantry Squad x9, Meltagun,
Commissar with Power Weapon, Sergent with Power Weapon
Infantry Squad x9, Meltagun, Sergent
with Power Weapon
Infantry Squad x9, Meltagun, Sergent
with Power Weapon
Heavy Weapon Squad - Autocannon x3
Heavy Weapon Squad - Autocannon x3
Heavy Weapon Squad - Autocannon x3
Infantry Platoon #2 - 515pts
Platoon Command Squad
Infantry Squad x9, Meltagun,
Commissar with Power Weapon, Sergent with Power Weapon
Infantry Squad x9, Meltagun, Sergent
with Power Weapon
Infantry Squad x9, Meltagun, Sergent
with Power Weapon
Heavy Weapon Squad - Autocannon x3
Heavy Weapon Squad - Autocannon x3
Heavy Weapon Squad - Autocannon x3
Infantry Platoon #3 - 290pts
Platoon Command Squad
Infantry Squad x9, Meltagun,
Commissar with Power Weapon, Sergent with Power Weapon
Infantry Squad x9, Meltagun, Sergent
with Power Weapon
Infantry Squad x9, Meltagun, Sergent
with Power Weapon
As you can see, fairly straight forward;
3x 30man blobs with Creed for the orders and Straken for the Furious
Charge/Counter Attack with a lot of s7 support from the Autocannons. I can see
the weakness of the list being av13/14 armies like mech angels but let me know
what you think.
In terms of weaknesses you've hit the nail on the head. Running one squad like this within a more mechanised Imperial Guard army is great but basing an army around it is going to leave you open to a lot of grief. If you're set on such a list style rather than mixing in with some mech I'd be looking to add in some Stormtroopers with meltaguns - they can give you some extra options against vehicles in general, particularly tough ones holding deathstars and they are pretty cheap. They will up your KP count but you'll still greatly outnumber a MSU list regardless.
In terms of comp score probably a 4 out of 5 - you'll lose points because people will just see you spamming and running two special characters - hell you might even get a 3 because people are odd :P. You will struggle against mobile and mass mech lists but if they didn't bring enough infantry clearing you can sit in midfield and laugh at them with lots of piddly attacks.