So, after reassessing the codex and re-reading a few things I have come to see the 'dex in a new (pink?) light.
I am not converting to the nfluger bandwagon that Orks are better than sliced bread, but I am starting to look at avenues that I haven't explored before in my gameplay... Fast Attack.
Now this sounds funny to many of you, but my Ork armies are largely based around horde-ish behaviour... either foot hordes of Battlewagon Hordes, neither of which leave much space for FA choices.
So this Xmas I am going to break the trend and start working on a Speed Freaks list. I can't be bothered doing a biker army, though it would be nice. Now as I have some minor (read: comp) restrictions that I have to adhere to I shouldn't go overboard ... too much.
As you will see below, I have lifted this concept from MVB, which is 2000 points and generally FREAKING INSANE.
We play 1750 in Australia, and I need something to battle the threat of Kirby at the pre-Centurion game that isn't simply a horde of boys he can throw dice at. Sounds boring anyway and check out fester's new stuff on 3++ - The painting side! fester's Waaaagh! and he posted about this later...whatever!
As such, I am staring down the barrel of the following list as a base.
Big Mek w/ Kustom Force Field - 85 points
3 Nobz w/ Choppas/Sluggas - 60 points
Battlewagon Dedicated Transport w/ Deffrolla, Big Shoota - 115 points
3 Nobz w/ Choppas/Sluggas - 60 points
Battlewagon Dedicated Transport w/ Deffrolla, Big Shoota - 115 points
11 boyz + PK/Bosspole Nob - 112 points
Trukk Dedicated Transport w/ Reinforced Ram - 40 points
11 boyz + PK/Bosspole Nob - 112 points
Trukk Dedicated Transport w/ Reinforced Ram - 40 points
11 boyz + PK/Bosspole Nob - 112 points
Trukk Dedicated Transport w/ Reinforced Ram - 40 points
11 boyz + PK/Bosspole Nob - 112 points
Trukk Dedicated Transport w/ Reinforced Ram - 40 points
Fast Attack
3 Warbuggies w/ Twin-Linked Rokkit Launchas - 105 points
3 Warbuggies w/ Twin-Linked Rokkit Launchas - 105 points
3 Warbuggies w/ Twin-Linked Rokkit Launchas - 105 points
This totals... 1358 points (I think)
This give is 392 points to burn on...
Heavy Support
Option 1:
3 Kans with Grotzookas (anti-infantry) comes out at 135pts according to Mike, which is 405 points. To squeeze these in I would need to lose a buggy or some boyz bodies.
Option 2:
I could go a little zany and do
3 x Battlewagons @ 115 ea = 345, so 47 points to add to upgrades... might be worthwhile.
Option 3:
I could go a VERY zany and do
3 x Looted Wagons with Boomgun for 315pts, leaving 77 points to play with. This should help (a little) with Comp, and actually be somewhat effective considering the armor already screaming around.
Also, head over to the Hobby side to see the start of the modelling for the core of the army.