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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Grey knights FAQ and rulebook changes?

Oh, wow, don't tell me GW worked really fast, didn't screw anything up majorly, and there was no nerfing of the highest order? What? You say that's the case!? Unthinkable!

Well, I'm gonna assume they forgot to address obvious and utterly insane claims, such as Coteaz using his magic to unlock unlimited henchmen units. Oh, they got rid of that, too? Then this is must be one of those rare times GW's done everything right.

Let's take a brief look.

As you all know, back in april, codex: gimp hunters became codex: grey knights, and it was glorious, but the book had some minor issues.
No, unlimited henchmen weren't a minor issue, or even an issue at all, because only the most insane of men and women would even consider that option.

Rather, we had some problems. For instance, what's a demon? What counts as a plasma weapon? Why does my terminator inquisitor have to exchange his nemesis hammer for a terrible force sword?
Minor, but also obvious. You knew how they were gonna solve all of that, and the FAQ delivers without a hitch.

Some funny highlights.

"Q: If a walker is the target of Unyielding Anvil, from
the Grand Strategy special rule, can it claim objectives
even though it is a vehicle? (p22)
A: Yes."

"Q: A psyker can use one psychic power per Mastery
Level, per turn. Is this per player turn? (p21)
A: Yes, otherwise it would state per game turn."

"Q. Taking Inquisitor Coteaz in your force turns
Henchman Warbands into troops choices. Does this
mean that they take up a force organisation slot and
can no longer be taken as an elites choice? (p33)
A. Yes to both questions."

"Q: What counts as a Daemon? (p21)
A: Everything in the Chaos Daemons codex, Daemon
Princes, Possessed Chaos Space Marines, Obliterators,
summoned greater Daemons, summoned lesser
Daemons, any vehicle with the daemonic possesion
upgrade, Daemonhosts, Mandrakes, Kheradruakh the
Decapitator, the Avatar."

So much for all that, right? Fluff seems to have figured into a lot of this. For instance, tau pulse weapons count as plasma weaponry for the purpose of plasma syphons. What this means is, the four or five people left in the world who run fish of fury are gimped, nobody else cares.

"So any bad rulings?" Not really, no, but two weird ones. Nemesis dual wield is officially +1 attack total, and the initiative bonus from halberds doesn't matter if you get your initiative set at a value by some other piece of gear, special rule, or ability (lashwhips).
Neither of these really matters. You knew you'd get gimped by whips, plus falchions were bad value right away. Even with +2 attacks, it's doubtful they'd have been comparable to the spear or the hammer.

Also, the 40k main rules got patched a bit - namely in how psychic powers function.
It's now law that powers stack (multiple hammerhands/might of titans is a go!), but unless you've got special permission to do so, any given power inherent to psykers can only be used once per player turn. This means Mephiston can't try to get off wings three times, instead being limited to a single cast, whether it's blocked, passes, or fails. Likewise, a level 3 grey knight librarian can only attempt to cast summoning once per turn.

All in all, a good day for 40k.

Insert obligatory snark regarding this bringing GW one step closer to the 'fabled' awesome patching that privateer press seems so in love with.

40k FAQ update:

Grey knights FAQ update:

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FlyinFungi's avatar

FlyinFungi · 717 weeks ago

Also should highlight the strength 6 dreadknights, making the swords look more attractive.
So does my teleport homer on my librarian work with the summoning or not? And what happens if I mishap while summoning and get "back in reserves?" The world may never know...
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
It's not teleporting, so no.
Why they don't have locator beacons instead of homors, we will never know.
i was amused by the thought of a jump-infantry MC dreadknight jumping out of a storm raven to pwn the world... too bad that got taken away
bobbitchtits's avatar

bobbitchtits · 717 weeks ago

if a doomfist on a dreadnight isnt strength 10 whats the point of it being listed as wargear for it.
Seems silly to give a model specific wargear that does nothing.
3 replies · active 665 weeks ago
I'd guess it's to give the NDK a nemesis force weapon without also giving it +1 to it's invuln in CC (or +2 initiative etc.)
It's because the others give bonuses they didn't want it to have, and since dread weapons only are S10 on walkers, well... It's a cheap way to give it +1 attack, without upsetting the natural order.

Blame the sculptor who made it in the first place.
nemesis doomfists have the daemonbane special rule and are force weapons.
Looks good to me :) . Nothing major there though the single cast of a single power to turn is nice to have clarified and not allowing shunt moves in the scout phase hurts ShuntKnights but meh list anyways :P.
I think being able to stack the same power, which really I think only applies to hammer hand, is dumb.

Conversely, what the he'll was the problem with summoning multiple units?
1 reply · active 717 weeks ago
Take two libbies.
Hand out might and hammerhand on the same unit. Cast hammerhand with the unit.


Same reason it's dumb that Mephy could cast wings three times, until he succeeded.
I'm unclear what you're saying. Yeah, you can cast +5 str on unit. That's kinda dumb.

Look, being able to recast force weapon until it goes off? Yeah, a little dumb. But summoning multiple units, not so dumb.
3 replies · active 712 weeks ago
Nave Senrag's avatar

Nave Senrag · 712 weeks ago

Giving a squad +5 is dumb? Average GKs are strength 4 with stacking powers, they can get to strength 9. It lets GKs make any squad in the army able to go toe to toe with MCs and even get pens on armor LRs.That can be pretty nasty if the opponent doesn't know, or doesn't see what you are doing until it is too late.
*ponders the cost of getting four extra characters to cast hammerhand on a single squad* Kirby said, why do you want Str 9? If it's an MC, you're much better off force weaponing it, and Str 6 is gonna do you just fine for MEQs.
One thing that I picked up on from the BRB, as any psychic power that is listed as a psychic shooting attack has to roll to hit, would that mean jaws of the world wolf (listed as shooting) needs to roll to hit to trace the 24" line? I'm a little confused by this ;o
5 replies · active 717 weeks ago
Yeah. and Lashes have to roll to hit. Were people rolling to hit with lashes?
I have noticed this too :)
So would Jaws have to roll to hit everything it touches, or to actually cast the 24" line?
Just to cast the line, imo.
Antebellum's avatar

Antebellum · 717 weeks ago

Is Blood Lance a psychic shooting attack too? (don't have the codex on me)
Check the SW FAQ. Jaws needs not roll to hit.

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