Winners of brackets:
13th bracket Todd Cornell (0-4)
12th bracket David Key (1-3)
11th bracket Bill McFadden (1-3)
10th bracket Daniel Pardo(1-3)
9th bracket Mark Ferreck (1-3)
8th bracket Jorge Ruiz (2-2)
7th Bracket James Wathkins (2-2)
6th Bracket Will Pauly (2-2)
5th bracket Simon Leen (2-2)
4th Bracket Alex Fennel (3-1)
3rd bracket Andrew Sutton (3-1)
2nd Bracket Ray Totek (3-1)
1st Bracket Tony Kopach (4-0)
Best Sportsman: Justin Hilderbrandt
Best Conversion (A Miniature Frankenstein): Joe Johnson
Best Single Mini (Well Beyond Crayon): Chris Debuque
Best Army Appearance: Gabe Dobkins
Best General: Tony Kopach
Second to One (Best General runner up): Allan Hernandez
Renaissance Man: Gabe Dobkins
And the codex win percentages:
6 x Black Templars (26-30) 46.4%
22 x Blood Angels (97-79) 55.1%
6 x Chaos Daemons (16-32) 33.3%
6 x Chaos Space Marines (16-32) 33.3%
5 x Dark Angels (23-17) 57.5%
14 x Dark Eldar (58-54) 51.8%
6 x Eldar (21-27) 43.8%
32 x Grey Knights (140-116) 54.7%
21 x Imperial Guard (88-80) 52.4%
3 x Necron (11-13) 45.8%
10 x Ork (39-41) 48.8%
27 x Space Marines (96-120) 44.4%
25 x Space Wolves (106-94) 53%
6 x Tau (18-30) 37.5%
10 x Tyranids (34-46) 42.5%
4 x Witch Hunters (15-17) 46.9%
I'm working on some further statistics but am waiting on Mike to weight the results :). You can find all the results and raw numbers on Whiskey & 40k until then.
s00nertp 38p · 708 weeks ago
blaise · 708 weeks ago
Kirby 118p · 708 weeks ago
Andrew = Stelek
Justin = Dash
Chris = Jawaballs
Allan = Blackmoor
In the top 16 also included were Spag, Hulksmash, yermom and Neil from 11th company.
Tratchenberg · 708 weeks ago
Blackmoor · 708 weeks ago
Southawe · 708 weeks ago
Zjoekov 74p · 708 weeks ago
Southawe · 708 weeks ago
The Lieutenant · 708 weeks ago
The best army, you can't really see it, but it's painted/converted to be a Cobra army from G.I. Joe. It's absolutely amazing, well deserved best army prize. He'd put so much work into it, each of the Cobra characters was a different model, Cobra Commander as the Company Commander, etc. The guy was sound as hell too, all in all, throughly deserved best army and Rennaissance Man.
bully · 708 weeks ago
Nardo · 708 weeks ago
Blackmoor · 708 weeks ago
I think for the Nova Open he just added another terminator squad.
Frazhar · 707 weeks ago
Gramps · 708 weeks ago
htmlord · 708 weeks ago
I used a system similar to that used for ranking NCAA Football, where wins against superior opponents are worth more than wins against... not so superior opponents. Basically, the final win loss rating of each player influences the value you get from beating that player. From there, I pulled out 3 values for each codex, Mean, Median, and what I call SAG rating (inspired by Jeff Sagarin of USAToday - basically, the closer you are to the middle of the pack, the more value you are worth to your codex's final standings).
SAG Ratings
2.02 Dark Eldar
2.00 Dark Angels
1.94 Space Wolves
1.88 Blood Angels
1.86 Grey Knights
1.79 Imperial Guard
1.76 Eldar
1.72 Orks
1.61 Space Marines
1.52 Tau
1.41 Black Templar
1.37 Tyranids
1.33 Witch Hunters
1.28 Necrons
1.05 Daemons
0.92 CSM
Median score for the entire field (for comparisons): 1.63
Mean: 1.73
fluger · 707 weeks ago