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Saturday, October 15, 2011

New Necron Photos

From Beasts of War we've got some new Necrons! I haven't really paid much attention to the rumors coming out as some of them have just been downright stupid (i.e. Scarabs draining AV of vehicles, one gun hitting every similar model in an entire army, etc.) though the rest of them seem relatively solid, particularly the statlines.. Before that though, let's look at some preview pictures of the shiny new models Necrons are getting (again courtesy of Beast of War).

So some pretty nice looking models ( Lych Guard, Necron Lords, etc.) and some pretty blah ones (Flayed Ones) IMO but overall very nice. Seems to me an effort has been made to make them more Egyptian ala Tomb Kings from Fantasy. Will be interesting to see what comes in plastic and what comes in finecast.

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Those Deathmarks are one of the classiest, most impressive infantry models in the game, they are my top vote!
3 replies · active 700 weeks ago
Ehh. They look okay. They're actually not that interesting.
The different paint-job is really what sets them apart from regular 'Crons. Take that away and look: they're just Warriors with fancy rifles, collars and a new head.
I think they look great! I love that gun, can't wait to see what it does!
i hear they are a kind of sniper rifle
apparently, if an enemy unit moves in from reserves in any way, they can forfiet their next shooting to blap at them right then and there, with no range limitations
Looks like they are following the small pack infantry with lots of varient bitz thing which Im not a huge fan of.
2 replies · active 700 weeks ago
Pretty much all of the pictured units are going to be EL/FA/HS/HQ stuff, so 5-packs with lots of bitz isn't at all surprising. It's way better than "we made five static metal models, I hope you like these poses and loadouts because there are no other options."
Pish, just because you never bent the old school metal models into new poses Puppy! I for one did.

It'll be interesting to see how my 2nd ed/early 3rd ed metal necron army transitions with the new codex. :p
oh boy I think I might be buying my first new list in a decade, everything looks amazing.

Hopefully the codex is good and meshes well with 6e
1 reply · active 700 weeks ago
Please let them be good. Please let them be good. Please...
Vehicles look kind of dumb, everything else is nice, esp. the Flayed Ones. Meh at the skeleton-style chests - and the whole "skullfaced robots to scare you" is kind of played out. It was played out back in ...oh, maybe middle 1990s after the second Terminator movie?

Here's to hoping the rumours of the "hit one guy, hit all identical models" was just a very dumb rumour. Problem is I don't see it as impossible to happen. And Scarabs and Swarms overall need a buff while Mech this that and everything can burn in hell, so I'd be cool with a little more anti-armour and a little less Mech on the battlefields. Some tanks are cool, but everyone and their kid brother going full transports just looks boring when you can't see the cool models.
12 replies · active 700 weeks ago
The one gun to hit them all is actually an SC ability in combat which doesn't always work. Morons taking things out of proportion as always.

The Sacarb thing, if true, is annoying because yes mech needs a little toning down, but let the core rules due this (i.e. 6th edition) rather than a single army.
Ok, so let's say it works 30% of the time. Or hell, even 10%. Now put that *one* guy up against a Tyranid or Guard or - fuck - even a basic SM army which happens to have a few Tactical Marine squads in it.

Sorry dude, if not liking that makes me a moron, then so be it. I'm fine with a little RNG here and there, but to have a hard counter to so many things (esp. horde armies that already hurt in the Age of Mech) is not cool and not good for the game as a whole. The only way I'd be cool with it was if it was a Tzeentch Greater Daemon King of Awesome SC that only worked with a Tzeentch-majority army. That would actually fit the fluff.
It's only the squad he's in combat with as far as rumors tell us.
Oh, you mean like Grey Knight Purifiers and their psychic power that hits everything on a 4+ in the same combat.

Seriously, an ability already exists of this magnitude so why the huge freak out?
Because it's a Ward dex and people love to complain about stupid stuff that they have no actual information about?
So lets discuss this, Par. One army that gets to lots of vehicles, thus stopping the terrifying reign of mech? Balanced of course. Hell, I bet Jervis, Gav, and Alessio would applaud you on your winning design philosophy.

As for Horde armies sucking, it's because they were designed into bland shapes for 4e. There's better to be had then that for 'hordes', we just haven't seen it yet.
I'm holding opinion on the vehicles, but I think it's pretty clear they're aiming for a "slave labor" kinda feel for things, with dudes lined up like rowing teams on a galleon, etc.

Scarabs are actually the one good, worthwhile unit in the Necron codex right now, but they're pretty much guaranteed to change.
Point taken on the Scarabs, you'd know better than I. I just haven't seen enough Necron games, and never seen a Scarab do much, but the model is cool as hell (small creatures and swarms appeal to me for some reason, I miss Nurglings).
The fact that they can Turbo-Boost, pass through terrain without penalty, get +1 to cover saves (so 2++ from Turbo) and have piles of wounds + Fearless makes them incredible tarpit units for holding up heavy weapons teams, etc. You can also attach a Destroyer Lord to one for a meatshield to get him into a fight.
One of my friends plays Necrons and Scarabs are usually my biggest concern, especially early in the game for the reasons Puppy just stated...they drive me nuts!
Tau can remove their saves, then blast them to bits, so they're not AS bad for us, but they're still annoying if they reach your lines. I imagine other armies have an annoying time with them.
Very true Sage, but I hate using markerlights on Scarabs!
Shadowmancer's avatar

Shadowmancer · 700 weeks ago

I want to do a Necron army where all of the heads are like the Deathmark ones.
4 replies · active 700 weeks ago
Shadowmancer's avatar

Shadowmancer · 700 weeks ago

Depth Perception across the army being nothing.
I don't see it as better - I see it as less juvenile "skulls r teh kewlz lolz!11!" bullshit. Which I guess is better. Ok, fine.
Shadowmancer's avatar

Shadowmancer · 700 weeks ago

Its more for the aesthetic of having a Cyclopean army. Its either that or I make Spruecrons.
Honestly man, in regards to paint schemes, check this out:

He's got some other interesting designs (new units, other Ct'an), along with lulz:

It's sad that people always assume silver + neon green + black = PRO PAINTED.
Look pretty sweet, pretty excited to see what they have done to them in the codex.
The models are looking amazing. I think its pretty safe to say that GW is pushing the envelope on its model design.
Interesting that there isn't a single Guass plastic rod included in that entire leak.

That said, they really can't get away from the impassive skull. That's, like, the Imperial Eagle of the Necron army. If there is a single visual that ties the whole race together, it's that flat line of a mouth. Even the Triarchs and Deathmarks have that.

I may just buy an army box of Necrons and an army box of Tomb Kings and bits swap until I have an army.

Also, I wonder how long it will take people to cut the slaves off the Ghost Ark and turn them into a quick and cheap Warrior unit?
3 replies · active 700 weeks ago
I think they're phasing the rods out.
Yeah, they're kind of iconic, but I think a lot of people had problems with "build most of the model, paint it, then finish building it" angle.
phasing the rods out? pun?
Damn, you caught me.
I'm kind of hoping that this book is "good" but not "great". Any "great" xenos book will just encourage the next Imperial book to be even brokener, ala Dark Eldar -> Grey Knights, and I already have enough problems dealing with Drey Knights not to invite another catastrophe.
18 replies · active 700 weeks ago
I sort of hear you on that but at the same time the Dark Eldar book I think is really good. I guess I'd rather see a Xenos book followed by a comparable imperial book, not have the imperial book one up it. The big thing is that the units that are in the book all see some valid use unlike Guards and Tyranids...which are both Matt Ward books...isn't Necron's supposed to be Matt Ward too?
Er, what? No, IG and Nids were Cruddace books, not Ward.

Ward is writing the Necron book, though, which is a good sign. He's done fine with the Imperial books he's written, so we can hope he can do the same with Necrons.
Oops, sorry, Cruddance, either way I thought I heard it was the same person, good to know. I think there is also a rumor going around that Cruddance isn't writing anymore.
Shadowmancer's avatar

Shadowmancer · 700 weeks ago

It all depends on how he sits on viewing the fluff. look at the 7th Ed fantasy O&G and the 7th Ed Daemons. Both Matt Ward books. I don't think he is a bad rules writer, I think though he needs to have someone write the fluff that isn't him. He did write the abomination that is Draigo's fluff.
Agreed... Ward's Grades

Rules: A-

Fluff: F- -
It's more that he hates the shittier aspects of the fluff. GKs before the update were Mary Sues squared. They got better in that respect, although there are some odd stories in there (although every book's gonna try to overstate victories over defeats, along with some pretty epic stuff).
Both their fluff and rules took a sharp turn, at least in my opinion, that I don't like. The idea of "we're specialized to be the best at X, and because of it we're a tad more elite than you," becaame "we're great agasint everything, and beacuase of that we're the Elitest Marines. But we're not REALLY point's'ed like it." Both Fluff- and Rules- wise, you lose a lot of the "specialized versus Chaos, and decent against everythign else" and it's replaced with "the best of all Marines against everything."
I like Grey Knights. I just hate the new book.
Grey Knights have rally taken a turn I dislike. The old fluff and rules I really liked, those of the philosophy "we're specialized against chaos, and so we're a little more elite than other Marines." That's gone now, replaced with "we're the best, the best at everything, especially against daemons, so yeah, we're awsome. But we'r esomehow cheaper now..."
Disagree. Greyknights are equal to DE in terms of codex power, builds, and general viability of units. The major factor seperating them is player skill - a nubcake can pick up a GK list, and use it effectively, due to fortitude, psyfledreads, and power armor. You can't just rush forward and hope for the best with Dark Eldar - it requires a finesse that most players lack.

Equal footing generals? DE is the better book, hands down. But average it out? Equal books.
ironfather's avatar

ironfather · 700 weeks ago

If it takes an expert to get decent performance out of a codex, then it isn't very good to start with.
I agree SandWyrm, the difference your looking for here is whether or not a Codex is "good" or can be "competitive".
Gotta say I disagree as well Dan, GK is just a more well rounded codex in my opinion.
GKs are marines, and therefore have more ability to recover from failure. But from what I can see, bads will still be bads in both cases.
SneakyDan- I'll buck the trend and sort of agree with you on this. I've always felt that MEQ armies are very "forgiving" which is one of the reasons I think they are more popular, mostly I think this is because of 3+ saves, if a unit of tactical marines is left exposed for a turn of small arms shooting, there is a good chance some of them are going to make it through and this is much less true with Eldar and Tau. Horde armies fall somewhere in the middle because while they do lose models easily they have so many! I think the intended idea of the Eldar armies and Tau is that if you use them correctly they should (depending on the age of the codex!) be able to dish out a ton of damage (considering their cost), but if you leave them exposed they are goners! I'm thinking Necrons will be somewhat similar to Eldar and Tau in this regard but probably more survivable. On top of all of this, of those four armies (DE, Eldar, Tau and Necrons) DE are the least survivable over all it seems to me so I really see your point.

I'm not saying all people who decide to play a MEQ army do so because they think it'll be easy, obviously many people love the background of such armies...but I do think alot of people that want an army that is more "forgiving" to rookie mistakes (and quite frankly, one of the easiest/quickest to paint) pick MEQ armies.

I'm not sure however if this gives any credence to which codex is better. I guess the real question would be which one is better in the hands of a new player and which one is better in the hands of an experienced player.

Oh man, oh man you're funny. Sweet Chirst on a cracker that's good.
You're confusing Ward and Kelly on this one. DE is great, but it has throwbacks to some of Cruddace's tenencies (lack of FoC swapping, overloaded areas of the FoC), but these are minor. Ward's gotten more freedom, I think. And honestly, who wouldn't want Chapter Masters w/ Grand Strategy of some kind (aka, something that helps the army and effects the STRATEGY of play, something that HQs should do).
Ward and Kelly should be the new Odd Couple.
These necrons look just like I would imagine them to be (influcenced from the fluff of cause). I just hope their rules make them seem scary and terrorifing
SomeCallMeTim's avatar

SomeCallMeTim · 700 weeks ago

The top right flayed one hear your hating Kirby. He be strolling.
Hyperphase sword? Kewt.
And robots, pressing buttons to drive around. Brilliant that.
2 replies · active 700 weeks ago
Can't wait to see Necrons' NEMESIS Dreadnight equivalent. Nothing like a bit of nerd rage to bring in a new dex.
Tomb Stalker?
i like everything except the ghost ark (PEDAL FASTER YOU GITS) and the flayed ones.
time to get my necrons out of the attic!
im gonna be using my old junk as the new stuff and nobody can stop meeeeee
3 replies · active 700 weeks ago
From everything I'm reading the new Flayed Ones seem to be the most polarizing model of the range: everyone either loves them or hates them! I myself love them but I have to agree with SomeCallMeTim above, the top right necron looks like he's fixing to do a duet with Rita Hayworth.
Actually, they all have their arms crossed. And there's guns below there too.
...yes, they have their arms crossed.
still looks like theyre pedalling the thing
i get the one shot gun rumor is stupid but didnt scarabs drain av in a previous edition
3 replies · active 700 weeks ago
Yeah but you could get upwards of armour 30 in 2nd edition - entirely different rules basis when you put the current (well anything from 3rd ed plus) rules next to 2nd ed, so many fundamental changes that such a rule made sense then and now would go against the concept of 'don't over complicate crap' which gw is still doing in terms of simplifying everything so even a stupid little monkey can understand how to play.
I really can't believe the AV drain thing stuck around as long as it did. How would you keep track of it? Each vehicle could have a totally different value at the time, meaning some major dice tracker work just to keep it sorted on which has what. What sort of nightmare would that be to play, and for what purpose? All so you can avoid giving melta to xenos?
You do know Terminator Armour was 3+ on 2D6 and you didn't have AP you had save modifications from anything like normal save to -6 or higher, -6 to 3+ on 2D6, it did your head in. Gotta remember the necrons were an end of 2nd ed and early 3rd ed change over army where the rules kind of meshed in an odd way if memory serves till they updated a bit more. Still, fun times.
This amount of leaked material? Someone is getting their ass fired.
3 replies · active 700 weeks ago
'Leak'. Yeah, right. :P
Correctamundo Sand.
This is GW learning that 'Leaks' generate interest. Any decent lying/public relations firm could tell them this.
I didn't much care for Necrons previously, but if it's true they're phasing the C'tan out in favour of making individual Necron Lords more independent and autonomous, and with models these good looking, I may have to rethink my stance.

Only thing? Not a big fan of the Ghost Ark/Doomsday Ark. Most of the model is fine, I just don't like the lone Necron sitting there pushing buttons. He's a robot made of living metal sitting on a vehicle made of living metal, just smoosh them together so he's part of the vehicle!
1 reply · active 700 weeks ago
You're right Garnet, that would fit too- sort of like a Destroyer. Still I think the model looks great but I can see how that would have worked nicely too.
I'm not sure i like the Egyption thing they seem to have going on.

Whatever happened to the good old green rod and 0110101 drones?
2 replies · active 700 weeks ago
Lurking Horror's avatar

Lurking Horror · 700 weeks ago

What if I wanted blue or red plastic rods? Never been that big a fan of the green ones.

Search for items with the prefix:

FARB- (blue acrylic round rods)
FARG- (green acrylic round rods)
FARR- (red acrylic round rods)
FARY- (yellow acrylic round rods)

After the dash is a number 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12 which denotes the diametre of the rod. (1/16", 3/32", 1/8", 5/32", 1/4", 3/8")
I can't even tell the different between the special lords. Why even bother with buying more than one lord and just counts as?
3 replies · active 700 weeks ago
The hat, shoulders, staff, skirt, and cape are all different. Hell, Trazyn even has a Tau Sept icon attached to his belt. And the Overlord one picture below seems to have some sort of Eldar sigil hanging off his belt. I wonder what that's all about...
But WYSIWYG its pretty minor. I doubt most people would be able to tell the difference on the tabletop. Hell if Pendtro looked like Calgar I'd say the same thing.
Trazyn has Tau + Eldar on his belt.
Most of the models look pretty good but I really dislike the idea of transports actually carrying troops for a necron army, personally I would of loved to see them expand more on the teleporting abilities. Not just teleporting in from reserve but have their transports as floating portals linked too a certain necron unit and function just like a transport rules wise with the unit popping out when the transports destroyed as an emergency teleport.
I also really dislike the idea of robot pilots piloting robots would of been much cooler to have the vehicles pilot themselves.

I was considering getting back into 40k for necrons but I don't really like the design direction they have taken so far, will have to wait and see for the offical release.
1 reply · active 700 weeks ago
I to was hoping for smaller Monolith portals attached to the front of transports. The Arc idea could still work, but with, say, a giant Monolith power crystal and a portal for each access point. As for the robot pilots, I'm not sure why they didn't have, like, wires coming out of his arms that join him to the console, or something...

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