Sooooo I'm in the midst of doing my NOVA write up (Gramps hit up most of my "Good, Bad, and Ugly" points in his article so my first article will go over Battle 1 and touch on a few things I have in addition to what Gramps said. In the interim though, my gaming group and I have decided to take the next few month or so off of competitive 40K and start a fun and relaxing Necromunda Campaign. What is Necromunda you ask? Well GWvsJohn wrote some excellent basic intro article earlier linked here, here, here, and here. Basic gist of it is a 40K "skirmish" game where you control a "gang" of anywhere between 3 and 12+ Gang members. Like the 5th Ed Battle Missions scenario "Kill Team", every model you have is basically an independent character - they move by themselves, don't need to maintain coherency, and can shoot whatever they want. Since most gangs are between (usually) 8-12 gang members, games go by quickly, with the average game lasting maybe 90 minutes.
With all that said, I've decided to use the upcoming table top Necromunda campaign as an excuse to start building my Elysians and to really let out my modeling/creative side. Since I only need 10-12 models for Necro, it means I can really convert and give life to one of my Elysians squads, who will just happen to be my Necro gang. As for my gang (both in real life and in the Vassal Necro Campaign we're starting) my gang is an Orlock gang called "The Bug Hunters". Here's their breakdown:
SGT Al Apone (Gang Leader) - Flamer, Chainsword, Knife - 185
PVT Mark Drake (Heavy) - Heavy Stubber, Autopistol, Knife - 195
PVT Jeanette Vasquez (Heavy) - Heavy Stubber, Autopistol, Knife - 195
Corporal Dwayne Hicks (Ganger) - Shotgun, Man-Stopper Rounds, Autopistol, Knife - 90
PVT Will Hudson (Ganger) - Autogun, Autopistol, Knife - 85
PVT Will Ricco Frost (Ganger) - Autogun, Autopistol, Knife - 85
PVT Trevor Wierzbowski (Juve) - Autopistol, Maul, Knife - 50
LT Will Gorman (Juve) - Autopistol, Maul, Knife - 50
Total Cred: 935
+10 Cool Points to whoever identifies the theme first. Anyway, here's the first two models. Lemme know what ya think!

And last but not least:

The guy on the left running with the shotgun is CPL Hicks. The guy crouching on the right with the Xenomorph coming out of the floor is Frosty. I accidentally broke the barrel off of his autogun/bullpup lasgun, but I realized the broken barrel version looks much more like the M41A Pulse Rifle used by the Colonial Marines soooo I let it slide. I actually might break all the barrels off the guys in this squad to give it that feel. Eventually they'll become just a souped up converted squad in my Elysian army list, but until then....they're THE BUG HUNTERS!
artemi7 78p · 706 weeks ago
Will Hudson...? Aliens?
*double checks*
*pumps fist*
Though you almost got me with Ricco Frost. I saw the name 'Ricco' and the first thing I thought of was Starship Troopers...
Roland Durendal · 706 weeks ago
Haha actually a Starship Troopers theme IG would be fun too. Convert the Sentinels into their battlesuits and such...interesting :)
billybox 52p · 706 weeks ago
But the pictures and Bug Hunters would have given it away.
Stillfrosty · 706 weeks ago
I know! I know!
Sweet +10 cool points for me!
Roland Durendal · 706 weeks ago
Kirby 118p · 706 weeks ago
Roland Durendal · 706 weeks ago
Kirby 118p · 706 weeks ago
Ironically I watched the movie a couple days ago whilst painting gants. Very fitting :P.
SageoftheTimes 77p · 706 weeks ago
Edit: It's here: http://www.horrorlair.com/scripts/alien3_gibson.h...
David · 706 weeks ago
speedfreeksolutions 20p · 706 weeks ago
Commissar Carrie · 706 weeks ago
Roland Durendal · 706 weeks ago
eadipus · 706 weeks ago
Due to financial contraints I'm proxying AOBR Orks as Goliaths but with some conversions so the weapons match up.
It seems Necromunda is more fun than any other GW game I've played in a long time. The jumping and falling rules alone end up being absolutely hilarious if you're not taking it seriously.
Also, since i've not seen it mentioned in any of the articles but yakromunda.com is an incredible Necromunda campaign and resource site, just make sure you change with ruleset you're using in the account settings before building your gang with the wrong one. It seems to have every scenario, gang and article published about Necromunda on it and a lot of them have been updated/rebalanced.
Roland Durendal · 706 weeks ago
I'll also be using a mix of Cadian/Catachan bits of my gang, especially for Vasquez and Drake. They'll end up being primarily Catachan bitz, with Forgeworld Death Korps of Krieg Heavy Stubbers.
LT Gorman and Wierzbowski will end up being primarily Cadian parts, maybe with a bit of Elysian thrown in ( mainly Elysian laspistols if I can get some....I need to buy some Elysian Squads, more Vet Squads with Shotguns, more command squads, and some weapon sprues anyway). Gorman is going to be Elysian with the bandaged head from the Cadian Hardened Vet sprue.
As Apone and Hudson....well Apone I have yet to figure out how to do him. I may just make him pure Cadian, or Elysian coupled with the Cadian Hardened Vets w/ Shotgun sprue. Hudson will be pure Elysian. I just need to figure out what his base will be and what scene from the movie I want it to closely mimic.
Also thanks for the link! I'm definitely going to check it out!
Tim W · 706 weeks ago
Love the colonial marines theme. Keep going with that.
Roland Durendal · 706 weeks ago
I actually have 65 cred left over for the gang and I *could* add in another Juve with that....or another Ganger :)
I haven't decided if I want to add another in yet primarily because I like having some start up cred in my stash but also because I can't decide which route to go. There are definite pros/cons to both:
Ganger Pros: better stats, better weapon choices, CAN WORK TERRITORY (gotta make that $$ :) )
Ganger Cons: more expensive
Juve Pros: cheap
Juve Cons: Can't make me money, limited weapon choices, weaker stats.
Whichever choice I make, the equipment loadout would be the same due to points restrictions: autopistol/knife. And giving a Ganger just an autopistol/knife seems a waste of their better stats, so it'd most likely end up a Juve.
Then the question becomes, who is it? With an autopistol/knife combo Juve I'd make it either Ripley, Bishop, or Burke. All 3 of which would make awesome conversion options. I figure eventually I'll add in PVT Crowe and CPL Dietrich to round out the Gang/cast
chaosgerbil 48p · 706 weeks ago