Kirb your enthusiasm!


"Pink isn't a color. It's a lifestyle." - Chumbalaya
"...generalship should be informing list building." - Sir Biscuit
"I buy models with my excess money" - Valkyrie whilst a waitress leans over him

Monday, August 15, 2011

Building the Creatures, Step 1: Panic

So, I have finally managed to wrap up the last of my Tyranid projects (thanks, 'Ard Boyz) and have gotten started on my newest army. I'll be making a counts-as Blood Angels force called the Creatures of Prometheus and hopefully taking them to TSHFT at the beginning of next month. I've managed to get together almost everything I need (I'm still one Meltagun and five Terminators short) and get it all trimmed down, so now it's time to start on the real work.

(Apologies for crappy pictures, my camera is trash.)

Oh... oh god. That is a lot of mans. That is altogether too many mans.

Lord, what have I gotten myself into?



Ha ha, no, it's all cool. I got this under control. I just need to build... er... two Marines every single day for the rest of the month and I'll be fine. Oh and I promised myself that this would be a 100% conversion army- that is, every single guy is somehow changed, reposed, scratch-built, or otherwise altered from the generic model. So, um, yes. Yes, that will clearly work out.

You may have noticed the Space Hulk Terminators there in the above pictures, which I am cheating with slightly and pretending that hacking them off their bases and doing slight leg re-jointings "counts" for my promise. Some of you may also be weeping tears of bitter fury at my abuse of said beautiful figures, because seriously, they are. However, all the blood drop iconography has been removed to make room for other stuff.

My color scheme is mostly hammered out, but I'm still working on a couple details.

Off-white with gold trim is the basic pattern, but I would like to get appropriate squad/company markings in there somehow. However, I'm not sure if the usual red/yellow/blue will look decent when juxtaposed with the scheme- thoughts and opinions on that?

(These are some reference pics I used and will be the sort of whites, if not necessarily overall schemes, I will be aiming for.)

I'm also giving these guys purity scrolls out the wazoo (casting 2-4 per day here), and I'd like to break up the color from "more off-white" a little with those. Any suggestions on what colors to make the parchment would be useful- just a dark tan or light brown, maybe? Red and green for the seal itself seems workable.

As I finish the squads there will be a whole lot more posts coming up, and hopefully with the weekend off here (aside from 'Ard Boyz) I'll be able to get up my fluff post on the overview/history/etc of the chapter. Yeah, I know, fluff here on 3++, who would've thought?

My list, as I will be using it, for those that missed it last time around and care:

Librarian (Terminator; Fear, Unleash)
10 Terminators (2 Cyclone, 2 Chainfist)
10 Terminators (2 Cyclone, 2 Chainfist)
3 Sang Priest (2 Terminator, 1 JP+PW)
10 ASM (2 Flamer, Hand Flamer)
10 ASM (2 Melta, PF)
10 ASM (2 Melta, PF)
(This post is a couple days in the works thanks to other stuff, so expect another post with a completed squad pretty soon.)

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If you're a different chapter, why keep the Red/Yellow/Blue from BA? I find squad numbers in black on one kneepad works fine.
6 replies · active 699 weeks ago
I thought the helmet colorations were a Codex Astartes thing, not BA-specific? I was pretty sure the kneepad markings were unique to BA and their successors, but not the helmet.
Sorry to butt in, but yeah, helmet colors are BA-specific, not Codex Astartes. Only thing in the CA is that veterans (Sternguard, Vanguard, occasionally Terminators) tend to have white helmets. Personally, in your case, I think squad numbers on kneepads or on a shoulder pad (or both) would work best. If you'd rather not fiddle around with transfers of freehanding, painting one kneepad with a squad color might work, too, and it'd 'break up' the color scheme a little for some variety.

Looking forwards to seeing these guys finished, either way :)
I like Drake's suggestions here. If it were me, I'd stick with the BA style knee pads.

Puppy, are you going to reverse the shoulder pad colours for sergeants as well? If not, you might look at using that as a distinction for any Veterans you use in the future.
Not sure what you mean by reverse the shoulder pad colors. I presume that means that sarges normally flip-flop them? I wasn't particularly aware of that, since Marines aren't really a standard thing for me. Do they also switch which shoulder the chapter symbol is on as well?
Yes, traditionally BA sergeants have reverse coloured shoulder pads. Black with red trim. The chapter symbol and company blood drops remain on the same sides, however the chapter symbol is changed to yellow.
Hrm, I'll have to look at possibly doing that. Technically my chapter isn't a BA successor, but I'm thinking that might actually look pretty good. Of course, my Sarges are all carrying a banner of some kind or another, so it's not gonna be hard to pick them out, but...
I care
And damnit, Kirbs, you screwed up the formatting. :P Or, that is to say, Blogger did and you didn't help. Stupid Blogger.
2 replies · active 700 weeks ago
It was worse with yours!

Here's a tip with mass pictures - centre them all. I.e. don't touch them after you insert them. It makes for long scrolling but the pictures and text don't go wtf.
Tried that, it ended up looking even weirder.
AbusePuppy, is it your intent to grief me? I clearly called "dibs" on building a Counts As Blood Angels army with an off-white and gold paint scheme. I demand you take it back.

No, seriously though, you can't build this army. You're in the Northwest and will be at TSHFT. If our armies ever meet in person they will annihilate one another in a cataclysmic explosion which will separate the Western seaboard from the continental U.S.
3 replies · active 700 weeks ago
It's a 3++ tradition. Nick from other people!


I have you beat by a year and three days, my friend. I'm afraid it is you who must give up the army. :P

Also there's no way I'll actually have this thing painted to any significant degree by TSHFT, so no one will know this time around. As for next time, I suggest we just pretend to be the same person and act confused if anyone points out differences. Also, they are going to be very different armies on the tabletop, since I (to start out, at least) won't be running any transports.
That's cool. The basic concept has been something I've had kicking around for quite a while too. My direction will be quite different - the whole Egyptian thing, the Tzeentch thing, etc.
Matais Yohansen's avatar

Matais Yohansen · 700 weeks ago

If you're going for purity-seals-r-us, red for the seals will work fine. And you probably want to go with a darker brown for the parchment.
I think you should try for NMM gold. It would be good contrast with the ivory color of the rest of the armor.
4 replies · active 700 weeks ago
:P I am not nearly good enough to NMM 60+ models. Getting a decent-looking white is going to be an adventure in and of itself.

I might try it on some of the HQs, though.
This seems a pretty good tutorial for painting white:
Cool, thanks. I have been collecting advice on white and gold from... basically everywhere, 'cause there's no such thing as too much info.
If you want a slightly Off white I recommend playing with a Dheneb stone base followed buy bleached bone with white over that
My army (which is also going to TSHFT) uses a similar tan as the base color (with BLUE and gold). I felt that red accents looked too "superman" so I went with Green as my accent color (seal wax and lenses, mostly). I also found that bleached bone works for parchment. Here's a pic:

The tan is Dheneb Stone with highlights in Reaper Leather White and washed with Gryphonne Sepia. Of course, you shouldn't copy me either - and I've got photographic evidence of having thought of it first.
5 replies · active 699 weeks ago
Very nice-looking. I'll be aiming for a slightly brighter white than that, probably doing Dheneb as a base. I'm gonna be trying out Vallejo's Off-White for my primary, with highlights of Dead White, so we'll see how that looks. You're doing way more of your accent color than I'm aiming for, so I don't think anyone is going to confuse them. :P

I really dig the lightning effect on those guys. I'm guessing you worked your way up from a really dark purple through to white on them?
Yep, I used the Reaper Imperial Purple triad and worked it up to white. I also added some black to the furthest areas from the lightning to darken them even more, but I'm not sure that was necessary. On the hammers, I did the same thing but focused on the corners, then drew the lightning streak across when done. Top it off with some gloss varnish to make it look all shiny and such. Here's the tutorial I got the idea from:

Of course, the other five are still sitting on my table, so I guess I better get going.
Well, it looks like my army won't be going to TSHFT after all, since it is going to be Labor Day weekend and I'll be out of town.

Also, it looks like the official site for TSHFT is now its facebook page:
Yeah, my ride bailed on me, so my chances of going are dropping by the day as well.

Appreciate the link, though.
Well, if your ride bailed because of the date, post on the facebook page - maybe if enough people can't make it to that date they will move it or something.
I love this build. Very clever. why fear? anything the librarian's unit is going to shoot at will be pretty busted up anyway, wouldn't you rather cast fear on a full strength unit?
2 replies · active 700 weeks ago
You do this to try and force the double fall-back. Shoot them up to the 25% casualties, then hit them with Fear. If they fail Fear, then they will automatically fail their morale test for shooting casualties, and make 2 fall-back moves.
It's also a defense against TWC, Paladins, TH/SS, and other deathstar units. I'm not 100% solid on it yet, as powers are something I've been agonizing over for a while now, but I'm going to try it out.

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